The mandate of General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo will end on December 31st, Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction in the Regions of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and MarcheDuring his tenure, he coordinated the reconnaissance and implementation of reconstruction, restoration and repair interventions for the most urgent needs of the areas affected by the flood events that occurred starting from 1 May 2023.
The Commissioner's Office, headed by him, was constantly engaged for eighteen months in responding to a devastating flood. After the first measures adopted to manage the emergency, a plan was developed in collaboration with the Government, Regions, Municipalities, local authorities and entities. This plan provided not only for urgent interventions to restore infrastructure, but also reimbursements for damages suffered by families and businesses, as well as direct support for local authorities and implementing bodies.
The public reconstruction
Of the 4,7 billion euros allocated so far by the Government for post-flood reconstruction, 2,67 billion euros have been allocated to the restoration of damaged public infrastructure. Thanks to 13 targeted ordinances, the Special Commissioner has launched over 7.000 interventions to secure the territory, tracing a coordinated and ambitious path that aims to guarantee effective and sustainable reconstruction.
To date, 35% of the interventions are completed, 30% are in progress and the remaining 35% are in the study and planning phase.
The first allocations, made available already in September 2023, amounting to 490 million euros, covered the extremely urgent interventions, essential to respond quickly to the most immediate critical issues. Subsequently, 270,27 million euros were added for a hydraulic defense plan aimed at mitigating the risks of hydrogeological instability, and 761,72 million euros for the restoration and safety of the road network, a crucial element for the mobility and connection of the affected territories.
Particular attention was paid to public buildings and essential infrastructure, with 34,2 million euros allocated for the reconstruction of healthcare facilities and public housing, 30,54 million, of which 6 million from donations, for schools and sports infrastructure, 38,63 million for the removal of sludge and the restoration of the integrated water system, 16,84 million for gas and electricity networks and 16,22 million for the reopening and safety of places of worship, symbols of identity and hope for communities.
€146,7 million has been allocated for project variations and interventions during construction and an additional €867,61 million to accelerate the reconstruction of strategic infrastructures and main mobility lines, both road and rail, under the management of ANAS and RFI. The most significant interventions include the restoration of the Marradi-Faenza railway line, the demolition of the Sant'Agata sul Santerno railway bridge, the design of a new metal girder over the Santerno river and the improvement of the hydraulic compatibility of the Boncellino railway bridge.
A recent ordinance, currently being examined by the competent ministries and the agreement of the Regions, has provided resources to complete the reconstruction of the new Motta bridge, between Molinella and Budrio, the raising of the Grazie bridge, in Faenza, the demolition of the Pungella bridge, in Traversara, and other interventions to improve hydraulic and road safety. In support of these initiatives, the support structure of the extraordinary commissioner has started a coordination with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to define a coherent programmatic framework, integrating the strategic projects on the main road and railway lines of national interest in a harmonized and sustainable framework.
Finally, the Commissioner sent the Special Plan for hydrogeological instability, with a total investment of 90 million euros, to the opinion of the competent Ministries and to the agreement of the Emilia-Romagna Region. This plan marks the start of an organic and coordinated program for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk, a crucial objective for strengthening territorial resilience and redefining the basin structure.
The planned interventions respond to the profound and sudden changes in the hydraulic regime, aggravated by the effects of climate change and, although not directly linked to the damage caused by flood events, include the construction and strengthening of works to contain floods and the retreat of embankments, making them more resistant to overflows. The plan also addresses slope instability, with a specific focus on the over 80.000 landslides recorded, triggered by flood events and which also represent a risk for some inhabited areas.
In support of these structural interventions, the plan includes extraordinary non-structural measures, which are fundamental for hydraulic safety, such as the management of riparian flora and the control of fossorial species.
To ensure the sustainability of infrastructure programs and accelerate the implementation of interventions, the extraordinary commissioner has introduced innovative technical-operational tools, designed to effectively support local administrations. The commissioner's ordinances provide for significant derogations from the current regulations, including the use of simplified service conferences, the direct awarding of works up to 500 thousand euros and negotiated procedures without a call for tenders for higher amounts.
In support of local authorities, the commissioner has activated the auxiliary commissioning functions offered by the in-house companies of the State, Sogesid SpA and Consap SpA, through specific agreements. Furthermore, the public companies ANAS and RFI have signed agreements with the commissioner to support the small municipalities of the Apennine hinterland in the management of interventions against hydrogeological instability, with particular attention to road and railway lines of national interest.
This joint effort by public companies, to which a significant share of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan has been allocated, equal to 60% of the 1,2 billion euros made available for this purpose, represents a concrete testimony of the synergy between the State and the Regions in supporting and accelerating the reconstruction process.
To strengthen the operational capacity of local authorities, the Special Commissioner has also allocated public resources to enhance the technical and administrative skills of local administrations, offering them the possibility of recruiting temporary staff through selection procedures based on interviews and evaluation of qualifications. This intervention ensures that authorities have the tools they need to effectively address the complex challenges of the reconstruction process.
Private reconstruction
In terms of reimbursements to families and businesses, the Government has allocated a total of approximately 1,9 billion euros. Of these, 1,2 billion euros are managed through the special accounting of the extraordinary commissioner, while the remaining 700 million euros are made available through subsidized financing (tax credit).
To date, the Commissioner's Office has granted approximately 100 million euros, approving 2.400 applications (of which 1.954 for families and 446 for productive activities), covering 75% of the applications submitted. This result highlights a priority attention to the needs of families, who represent the majority of beneficiaries.
A distinctive element of this procedure is that beneficiaries immediately obtain a reimbursement from the Commissioner's Office equal to 50% of the damage recognized, based exclusively on a certified appraisal, without the need to present proof of expenditure. This method, characterized by rapid times and unprecedented simplicity compared to the management of past disasters, places citizens and entrepreneurs at the center of support actions, offering them concrete answers in a short time and with clear and accessible tools.
The resources allocated by the commissioner are in addition to the 105 million euros of Immediate Support Contribution (CIS), already distributed to approximately 24.000 families, and the additional 9,4 million euros allocated as Autonomous Accommodation Contributions (CAS).
Among the most significant initiatives, the activation of 7 information desks in the most affected municipalities stands out, including Faenza, Ravenna, Lugo, Forlì, Cesena, Imola and Sasso Marconi. Operating without interruption since March 4, the desks offer direct support to citizens, businesses and experts, assisting them in drafting requests for contributions and related appraisals.
Thanks to the collaboration between the Commissioner's Office, Invitalia technicians and municipal staff, the initiative has seen high participation, confirming its extreme usefulness.
Since October 2023, to consolidate the presence in the territory, meetings have been started with trade associations, including representatives of agricultural companies and experts, to illustrate the contents of the Commissioner's Ordinances and collect requests and observations. Starting from March 2024, these meetings have intensified, providing for direct discussions on site to address specific problems and discuss any regulatory integrations.
In 2024, over 40 meetings were organized with technicians, professional associations, citizens and category representatives. These moments of dialogue led to the adoption of three changes to the Ordinances, including Ordinance 11/2023, aimed at the business sector, and Ordinance 14/2023, dedicated to families, thus responding promptly to the needs of citizens.
The Commissioner worked to ensure a fair and transparent distribution of reconstruction funds, balancing the needs of the most damaged areas with those requiring recovery. Thanks to the adoption of real-time monitoring systems, it was possible to track the use of resources, with the aim of preventing corruption or mismanagement.
Numerous agreements have been signed to ensure legality in the use of public resources. These include the Agreement with the National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Carabinieri Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Unit Command, the Guardia di Finanza, the Region and the Prefectures-Territorial Offices of the Government present in the flooded areas, in addition to the Union of Italian Provinces.
General Figliuolo's message at the end of his assignment
At the end of his mandate, General Figliuolo wanted to send a message to the affected populations, local administrators and institutions that collaborated with him during these intense months of work.
“Rebuilding is not just about putting bricks on top of each other, rebuilding a road or repairing a bridge: it also means rebuilding bonds, hopes and opportunities. This is what we have always tried to do, with all our strength.
It was a complex job, made possible thanks to an extraordinary synergy between my Structure and the local authorities, which played a fundamental role as protagonists of the reconstruction.
My deepest thanks go to the President of the Council, the Honourable Giorgia Meloni, who appointed me to this role, to the Government, to the Regions and to all the local Administrations involved, in the awareness that what has been done represents only one stage of a journey that will have to be carried forward by whoever succeeds me, making the most of the experience gained and the effort made by the Commissioner's Structure.
I will continue to carefully follow the path of these lands and these people, who have demonstrated extraordinary resilience and great humanity.”
Photo: SMD archive