Today, an epochal journey for non-managerial personnel of the Armed Forces concludes with the signing of the contract renewal for the three-year period 2022-2024.
For the first time, the Professional Associations of a Trade Union Character among Military Personnel (APCSM) participated as protagonists, marking the changeover from the previous representative bodies.
The negotiation was a complex challenge, characterized by tight timeframes, rigid financial constraints and the need to balance regulatory peculiarities. However, the union representatives demonstrated clarity, professionalism and determination, achieving significant results despite some requests remaining unsatisfied.
The ieconomic increases and le new allowances
On the economic level, starting from January 1, 2024, salary increases will be equal to approximately 100 euros net per month for graduates, with progressive increases for higher grades, corresponding to an average increase of 6%. This represents an improvement compared to previous renewals, also providing contributory benefits for future pensions.
In addition to salary increases, several allowances have been introduced or increased, including:
Night allowance for armed and non-armed services (18 euros gross);
Increase of 3 euros gross to the Fixed Guard Fee (CFG);
New allowances for specific sectors, such as cyber personnel, divers, dog handlers, bomb disposal experts and mountain rescuers.
On the regulatory level, there are steps forward in the recognition of parenthood and well-being at work:
Exemption from night shifts for single parents with children up to 14 years of age or with children affected by serious pathologies;
Review of the extraordinary parental leave permit;
Extension of the joint license for assistance to parents and de facto cohabitants.
Despite the results achieved, several questions remain open, including:
The structural revision of the Fixed Guard Fee;
The regulation of individual working hours flexibility;
Regulatory harmonization for the recovery of unpaid hours and the hourly division of parental leave.
The trade unions have obtained the commitment of the counterpart to discuss these issues starting next year, with the aim of achieving further improvements in the three-year period 2025-2027.
The trade unions of the Defence sector underline how the 92% of the funds were allocated to fixed salary, an unprecedented fact. The remaining 8% was used to improve the fringe benefits, a sign of a management attentive to the needs of the staff.
The Undersecretary of Defense, the Hon. Matteo Perego di Cremnago (with delegation to relations with trade union representatives), commented: “This result, the fruit of a cohesive and synergic work, improves the economic treatment of the personnel of the Armed Forces and Police, offering concrete benefits to those who serve the country with dedication and self-denial. We are on the right path.”
Very few unions have not signed. A politically “smart” move to seek members? Probably, but who will cast the first stone in the current government?
Given the difficult financial situation, 2024 ends with an acceptable result for the recipients of the contract and a very positive one for an executive that will not fail to present it as a pre-Christmas “national” success. The return to the White House of someone to whom we had promised much more funds in Defense and whom we have beautifully mocked (...) could provide future negotiations with more resources and, why not, the weight of today's credit of trust.
The signing of this contract therefore represents a significant step forward, but not a final goal: the work to improve - both the "relations" with the representatives union that the conditions of those who serves the Country - continued...