New guide for the 72nd flock

(To air Force)

The handover ceremony between Pilot Colonel Davide Cipelletti and Pilot Colonel Marco Boveri was held on Wednesday 22 September at the 72nd wing of the Italian Air Force.

The ceremony, presided over by the commander of the AM / 3 ^ RA Schools, general of the air squad, Aurelio Colagrande, took place in the presence of the civil and military authorities, with the participation of the Banners and Labars of the Combat and Weapon Associations. In the deployment there is also a representation of the staff of the 72nd flock and of the frequenters of the Flight School belonging to the Air Force, the Italian Army, the Carabinieri, the Port Authority, the Guardia di Finanza, the State Police and the Fire Brigade.

In his farewell speech, the outgoing commander, Colonel Davide Cipelletti, thanked the air squad general Aurelio Colagrande "for the example, the advice and the clear indications with which he guided me, for the trust, autonomy and support he gave me in putting my ideas to the test" and all the staff of the 72nd flock that followed him "through a path that, at times, seemed difficult even to imagine, but which today gives the new commander a flock with renewed capabilities and perspectives".

The incoming commander, Colonel Marco Boveri, then took the floor, who after greeting the commanding general, the intervening authorities and the staff of the 72nd flock, in his speech, showed that he was grateful to the superior authorities for the assignment of the prestigious position: "The position received honors me deeply and is a source of pride. My gratitude goes to Colonel Cipelletti, I have inherited a deeply evolved and mature flock, ready for new challenges". Colonel Boveri then turned to the staff of the flock: "from today we continue a path and undertake a new enterprise. The announced transformation of the 'School of Helicopters' into what I want to define the future 'University of the Rotating Wing', must constitute an additional impulse to operate in the best possible way thanks to the professionalism I have learned to appreciate in the past and with which you have always distinguished yourself ".  

The commander of the AM / 3 ^ RA Schools, general of the air squad, Aurelio Colagrande, during his speech expressed himself as follows: "Colonel Cipelletti I thank you for having been able to guide the activities of the flock in an exemplary manner, directing with absolute mastery the complex of the instructional procedures of the flight personnel of the Air Force, the other Armed Forces and the Armed Corps of the State, making sure to continue to implement the flight training program on rotary wing without solution of continuity. Among the many activities carried out I would like to mention both the intense real flight activity, over 9000 hours were flown, but above all the over 1000 hours carried out with the TH- simulator 500. As well as worthy of mention, the training of 70 new helicopter pilots including 51 of other Armed Forces and Armed Corps of the State. To Colonel Boveri, who takes over the command, I wish to confirm my full confidence, certain that he will know continue in the effective work of those who preceded him. "