Yesterday morning, Wednesday 4 December, in the presence of the group's personnel and the commander of the Combat Forces, Air Division General Marco Lant, the commander of the 32nd Wing based in Amendola (an entity hierarchically superior to the 61st APR flight group), Colonel Antonio Vivolo and the commander of the 41st Antisom Wing and of the Sigonella Military Airport (an entity that provides fundamental logistical-administrative support and where the group is co-located), Colonel Stefano Spreafico, the ceremony for the centenary of the establishment of the 61st flight group took place.
Il 61st Air Observation Group – this is its original name – was established on 5 April 1924 and was included in various departments until it became autonomous during the Second World War. During the second conflict, it carried out intense activity on enemy territory, carrying out observations of concentrations and movements of troops, motor vehicles, mechanized vehicles and railway convoys, as well as reconnaissance of airports, photographic survey of locations of major military interest and the launching of leaflets aimed at the population. Years of glorious activity followed, until it was disbanded on 8 September 1943 following the armistice.
After more than half a century of suppression, it was reconstituted on 10 July 2017, on the grounds of the Sigonella Airport, as the 61st APR (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) flight group, in order to face the new challenges in which the Air Force was called to operate, with particular attention to the Mediterranean basin and the Strait of Sicily.
Following a greeting from the commander of the 61st APR flight group, Lieutenant Colonel Fabrizio Ciani, who briefly retraced the stages that led to the reconstitution of the group and the prestigious goals achieved in terms of flight hours with the aircraft Predator MQ-1C, the ceremony continued with the speech of the commander of the 32nd wing, who underlined how “…the 61st group has a character for which there is no challenge that it cannot face. A history made of continuous restarts, of continuous activities, which it always faces with an authentic and genuine spirit” and the commander of the command Combat Forces who, closing the speeches and after having taken the opportunity to greet and thank the women and men of the 61st, highlighted how these anniversaries are the occasion to stop and reflect on the great journey made over the years, placing the emphasis on the work of the Predator aircraft, made of observation and reconnaissance, decisive for “…know to understand; understand to decide.” finally, he concluded by highlighting “Passion, courage and determination were the decisive ingredients to reach this goal and will be equally fundamental for the future challenges that await the 61st flight group”.
The ceremony then concluded with the evocative unveiling of the commemorative plaque which, in fact, sealed the commemorative celebration.