Air Defense: “Slow mover interceptor” training in Gioia del Colle

(To air Force)

On Monday 21 September the HH-139A helicopters of the 84th CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) Center of the 15th flock of Cervia and two Eurofighter F-2000 fighters of the 36th flock trained by simulating a daytime interception of low-altitude aircraft and low speed.

The training activity, conducted with a view to refine more and more one of the peculiar abilities of the Armed Force in the field of Air Defense, took place in the Ionian area and allowed the staff of the 36th fighter wing to perfect the techniques for identifying and intercepting low-altitude and low-speed aircraft.

The training scenarios have been designed to be as realistic as possible to real needs. In fact, more and more often the Air Force and the Armed Forces are called upon to provide a significant contribution within the security framework linked to events of great importance.

Thus, the incessant training of the Air Force personnel continues despite the pandemic emergency in progress. During the intense planning and operational activities in flight and post flight, in fact, the military personnel employed followed all the preventive procedures in compliance with the anti-contagion security measures.