The solemn ceremony for the delivery of the sword to 19 students of the first course took place on Thursday 113 December at the Auditorium of the Air Force Academy in Pozzuoli.
The event, a symbol of tradition and values, represents one of the most significant moments in the training path of the young students, officially marking the beginning of their military career.
The ceremony was attended by the commander of the Air Force Schools command/3rd air region, air force general Silvano Frigerio and, to make the day even more special, was the presence of the godfathers of the courses. Falcon. As evidence of the strong and indissoluble bond that unites the different generations, the Air Force General Giampiero Gargini, course leader of the Falcon III, the air force general Luigi Del Bene, course leader of the Falcon IV and Major Andrea Luccini, course leader of the Falco V.
The commander of the Air Force Academy, Air Division General Luigi Casali, welcomed the civil and military authorities and the families of the young students. Addressing the protagonists of the ceremony, he highlighted: “…The delivery of the sword represents an important exchange of traditions and values that have been handed down for generations among the students of the Air Force Academy. Congratulations for this important milestone that will be followed by others in this intense and exciting path of professional and human growth that awaits you. Continue this journey with determination, willpower and passion without ever resting on your laurels, the path that awaits you will not be easy, but it will allow you to live a unique experience, exploring new domains using emerging technologies but above all serving our country”.
Subsequently, after the blessing by the military chaplain, the students of the 1st course received their sword from the aspirants of the third class (Dragon VI), in front of their families, military and civil authorities, and the Academy staff, who joined together to celebrate the beginning of a new generation of future Commanders.
The most emotional moment was the formula of the ceremony between the First Aspirant "We entrust to you Students the sword, symbol of the traditions of this Institute ..." and the Course Leader of the 1st Course: "...It is with honor that we accept this glorious emblem, aware of what it represents and we are committed to maintaining its high prestige." The guarantor of this handover of values, virtues and traditions of the Air Force Academy was General SA Luigi Del Bene, Course Leader of the Falco IV and the oldest godfather in service.
The sword, small but rich in meaning, represents not only a distinctive element of the uniform, but also an invitation to preserve the values of loyalty, courage and sacrifice. With this delivery, the Air Force Academy renews its commitment to train men and women ready to serve with honor in the ranks of the Air Force, preparing them for the challenges of the future with competence and determination.
During the ceremony, the following were also delivered:
- The “Professor Valentino Losito” scholarships, named in memory of the illustrious professor of General Aeronautics at the Air Force Academy;
- the “City of Pozzuoli – Golden Eagle” award, presented by the Deputy Mayor, Professor Filippo Monaco, established by the Municipality of Pozzuoli in favor of two students who have particularly distinguished themselves in the study of flight sciences;
- merit badges and sporting merit badges to Second Lieutenants, Aspirants and Students who have distinguished themselves through commitment, discipline, reliability and results in their studies and in the various sporting disciplines.
At the end of the award ceremony, the Commander of the AM Schools Command / 3rd Air Region, Air Squad General Silvano Frigerio, took the floor: “The delivery of the sword symbolizes in a concrete and tangible way the access to the first class of the regular courses of the Air Force Academy. It highlights the belonging to our Armed Forces, uniting your feelings of pride with those who have carried it at their side from 1923 to today”. And then he concluded: “… I invite you to use the best qualities you possess, so that you can overcome with enthusiasm those obstacles that sometimes seem insurmountable, but which are certainly within your reach. Remember that you have been selected among the best young people in our country; therefore never give up, always seek excellence in what you do and above all – as I often like to say – dream the impossible and you will achieve it!”
In the evening, the traditional "Pingue" delivery ceremony took place, one of the most significant moments for the students of the first regular course. With this event, rich in traditions, the "Pingue" course receives an official welcome to the Institute from the senior students of the second class and more generally from the Air Force.
This ceremony represented the culmination of a months-long journey of rapprochement between the “Senior Course” and the first course that presented its traditional symbols: the rose window, the penguin and the patch.
This year too was marked by a moment of solidarity: the course Aeolus VI in fact, he organized a charity collection, the proceeds of which were donated to the “Onlus Santobono Pausilipon” Association of Naples for oncological research and development in the pediatric department of the hospital of the same name.
The Air Force Academy depends on the command of the Air Force Schools / 3rd Air Region. It is a military institute of higher education of a university nature that has the task of providing for the recruitment and training of young people who aspire to become officers of the Air Force. By attending the regular courses of the Academy, one can become a second lieutenant in permanent active service of the Air Force, in the normal navigator role (pilots) and in the normal role of the Arms, of the aeronautical engineers, of the aeronautical commissariat corps and of the aeronautical medical corps. The Institute also holds courses for officer cadets (pilots and navigators of reserve and fixed-term) and second lieutenants with direct appointment (both of the normal role and of the special role); finally, the Academy's study plan includes courses with a specialist aeronautical connotation, for the benefit of foreign personnel and of other Armed Forces.