70th Wing: Ceremony for the delivery of the Pilot Eagles to the students of the “Falco VI” course

(To air Force)

On Friday 24th January, the traditional award ceremony took place at the 70th “GC Graziani” Wing in Latina. Aquile of airplane pilot to 50 students of the first normal course "Falco VI" of the Air Force Academy. The event, chaired by the commander of the AM/3 Schoolsa air region, air force general Silvano Frigerio, saw the participation of military, civil and religious authorities, as well as the relatives and friends of the brevet students.

Emblem of the achievement of Airplane Pilot's License (BPA), the golden eagle, which from today the young students will wear on their uniform in recognition of the effort made during the flight selection process, represents the first significant milestone achieved in the training path to become pilots of the Italian Air Force.

In his opening speech, the commander of the 70th Wing, Colonel Simone Mettini, first wanted to underline the importance of the goal achieved by the student pilots: “You are now a full member of our Armed Forces, wear the uniform with dignity and pride, honor every day the flag and the country you have decided to serve, hold your sword tightly and be proud of the Eagle pinned on your chest today”. Addressing the parents of the candidates he continued: “I had the opportunity to meet some of you a few months ago, at the beginning of the training process, committing myself to take care of your boys with rigor, fairness and transparency, and at the same time without ever neglecting the value of a smile: I assure you that we have done it to the best of our ability, and seeing you here today, celebrating, represents a great joy. You have raised not only simple children, but men and women ready to serve our country. Thank you!”.

During the ceremony the following were also delivered: Swords to the 22 students who, engaged in the training process to obtain the BPA, were unable to attend the related award ceremony held last December at the Air Force Academy in Pozzuoli. “The Sword that you will soon receive represents a symbol that highlights your belonging to the history of our Institute and our Armed Forces”, thus the air division general Luigi Casali, commander of the Air Force Academy. “The Academy is ready to accompany you on this unparalleled adventure. You are responsible for ensuring the commitment, determination and passion needed to make your dreams come true. Wear the Sword and the Airplane Pilot Eagle with pride: you have earned them!”.

In conclusion, the commander of the AM/3 Schools took the floora air region, air force general Silvano Frigerio, who, representing the chief of staff of the Air Force, general Luca Goretti, first gave a warm welcome to all the authorities present, including the prefect of the Province of Latina, Dr. Vittoria Ciaramella, the deputy mayor of the city, Dr. Massimiliano Carnevale and the deputy commander/chief of staff, general Luigi Del Bene, sponsor representative for all the courses Falcon. General Frigerio then expressed feelings of pride and affection towards the young students: “Dear boys and girls, you can feel rightly proud of the eagle just pinned on your chest, a symbol for which you have faced an intense selective path, which, however, is certainly not a point of arrival. In the coming years, flight training to become military pilots will require further commitment, dedication and sacrifice, which will be repaid by the awareness of doing one of the most beautiful jobs in the world!”. Then addressing the instructors of the 207th flight group and Col. Mettini, he continued: “To all of you, I renew my deepest appreciation and my most sincere applause for the work done, for the generosity and professionalism you have shown in training these students. The enthusiasm, the pride that we can see in their eyes are the deserved reward for your daily work, so, thank you from the bottom of my heart!”.

Once the flight selection process is complete, the student pilots, now decorated with the golden eagle, will return to the Air Force Academy, where they will continue their academic path together with their colleagues in other roles.

Today's event highlights and consolidates the close bond between the Air Force and the city of Latina, which has always proudly supported the activities of the 70th Wing, one of the institutional entities of excellence at a national and international level in the field of military flight selection.

The BPA, specifically, is divided into two phases: a theoretical one (so-called "ground school") in which the notions of the basic subjects are learned and assimilated (aircraft systems, meteorology, air traffic control, aeronautical medicine, radio phraseology in English and flight procedures); and a practical phase (so-called "flying training") of flight training. It is in the latter that the students acquire the skills necessary to fly the aircraft safely, facing 12 training missions on the SF260EA trainer aircraft in line at the 70th wing, and progressively assuming the flight techniques. The most significant and awaited moment is represented by the so-called "solo", or the last exam before obtaining the Airplane Pilot's License.

At the end of the flight, the students are accompanied to the “tub of the fat” for the traditional bath, a fun moment linked to the traditions that unite the lives of all those who undertake a career as a pilot, like a real "secular baptism", significant and auspicious for a life full of professional satisfactions.

The 70th Wing is placed under the command of the Air Force Schools and 3a air region based in Bari, and for over sixty years has fulfilled the institutional tasks of selecting and training future military pilots of the Air Force, other Armed Forces and armed bodies of the State, as well as cadets of other Nations. The Pontine Flight School has issued, to date, over 15.000 pilot licenses, achieving a total of approximately 500.000 flight hours.