And if Russia was not an isolated regional power?
It is certain that Vladimir Vladimirovich may not be sympathetic, probably because with his actions he highlights the contradictions and the exposed nerves of a West ...
If Kiev cries, Moscow certainly ... if he laughs!
Not bad: pilots able to engage in a fight are barely 10 per cent. The ruthless and realistic estimate was issued by the Minister of Defense Ihor ...
Nato emulates Tafazzi for revenge against Russia
Obviously, following the pronouncement of the 28 member countries of NATO that have frozen any kind of civil and military cooperation with Moscow. The general secretary ...
Afghanistan: Sniper eliminates six Talibans with a bullet
The corporal of the Coldstream Guards hit the target from a distance of 850 meters, killing the suicide attacker and the five comrades who were ...
Syria could become the base of Al-Qaeda to hit Europe
This is the title of the New York Times on the front page. Dozens of expert militants - according to a classified document come into the possession of the Times - would have moved to Syria ...
The Crimea delivers to the Russians (also) the "soldier dolphins"
The news was taken from all Russian networks. The Ukrainian defense ministry, 13 last February, announced the closure of the program due to lack of funds. THE'...
Russia annuls 54 ships and admits without wanting to have four submarines in the Black Sea
The Zaporizhzhia, commissioned in the 1970, has joined the Russian Black Sea fleet, bringing four Russian submarines deployed in the region to four. Half of the crew of the ...
Crime in Crimea: Ukrainian ships hoist Russian flag, West high economic sanctions
This would be the last move available to the "allies" in response to the escalation of the clash over Crimea, now the largest geopolitical crisis between Russia and the ...

"Dress up as Santa Claus and blow yourself up"
The contents of this magazine, which appeared for the first time in the 2010, for those who decide to read it even just ...
The Russians present a new submarine, star patriotism
This was stated by the number one of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov at the Ria Novosti. The choice of ...
Putin: "Those from NATO are good guys, they can come and visit us in Sevastopol"
We have no intention of invading the other regions of Ukraine - said Putin - a state born of a ...
Crisis in Crimea: France freezes Russian rearmament, Kiev has only six thousand soldiers in its defense
This is what French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in an interview with the issuer TF1 and ...
Crisis in Crimea: sanctions come to an end with a war that Putin can not win
This morning, the White House and the European Union after having been aware of the outcome of the referendum, much ...
Navy SEALs in Action, Free Tanker in the Mediterranean
The SEALs were on board the USS Roosevelt, a unit of the George HW Bush Carrier Strike Group. "...
Crisis in Crimea: US raids sixth fleet, Russians arm armored along border
Russia - has added Lavrov - has and can not have any intention of invading Ukraine. The meeting was ...
Crime Crisis: F16 take off from Aviano, Russian bomber aircraft in flight for 24 hours
Reiterate all the concerns for the upcoming Sunday referendum, when the Crimea will go to the polls to vote for the ...
Comparisons on Crimea Comparison
The tension between Russia and the West has skyrocketed with the recent uprising in Ukraine and with the fate of ...
The new Chinese deterrence
The ballistic system consists of the satellite network and a radar for advanced discovery located on the ground, with ...
Russian Navy: Silent Propulsion (AIP) in the next class 'Lada' submarine
The first attack submarine to be equipped with the independent air system will be a 'Lada' class, with ...
Iranian navy ships approach the US coast?
The source would be the commander of the Iranian 'northern' fleet, Admiral Ashin Rezayee. The tutorial ...
