Joint Stars 2024: the joint exercise that strengthened Italian and NATO deterrence
Joint Stars 2024, which ended on November 30, was the most important Italian joint exercise ever. Organized by the top operational command...
Baku-Grozny flight shot down by Russian anti-aircraft fire
The Azerbaijan Airlines plane that crashed in Kazakhstan on December 25 went down after being hit by Russian air defense systems, several media reported on Thursday...
A Libyan port for Russia?
In 2015, Putin's Russia intervened directly in the Syrian civil war, supporting Assad. The following year, Damascus granted the Russians free use of the...
The giant M47 of the Alpine troops arrives in Schilpario
The link between the Alpine Corps and the historical traditions of the country is well known and represents the distinctive trait of an elite that has always been accustomed to hard work and, above all,...
The real urgency of the Armed Forces: a “modular” and rapidly mobilisable military reserve
In issue no. 111 of the Observatory of International Politics, entitled "A Reserve Force for Italy", edited by Matteo Mazziotti di Celso and General Francesco Diella, we...
The problem of maneuver in the Ukrainian war
The problem that every commander involved in the Ukrainian war faces is that of having to overcome the war of position through maneuver. Even more so, are...
Autonomous vehicles? We are talking about AI-Drivers... but it is already a reality!
Automation is redefining the boundaries of technology, becoming a crucial tool to ensure safety and logistics optimization in the most extreme contexts, from the field...
Trumpism and the European Defense Industry
From next January, Donald Trump will take office again at the White House. This event has opened a wide debate in Europe on what the strategic lines could be...

Hot Winter - Display Determination 2024: The Order of Malta and the Italian Army in action for peace and relief
The exercise "Hot Winter -... took place in the military complex of the "Babini" barracks in Bellinzago Novarese (NO).
Revision of Russian Nuclear Doctrine: Hot Considerations...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed his decree No. 991, dated November 19, 2024, on “...
The Laser: History, Operation and Military Applications
Anything that is concentrated increases its energy, a principle that Albert Einstein began studying in 1917. This...
Italy takes part in the largest edition of the "Dynamic Front" ever
The multinational exercise "Dynamic Front" began on November 4, 2024 and represents the largest edition ever...
Technology: The Thin Thread That Ties Dumpers to Tanks
Dumpers were born to speed up large-scale work, dating back to the end of the 19th century, when the...
Trump's Victory and the Consequences for European Defense
Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential elections opens up a series of scenarios on the...
Cyber-warfare and cyber-espionage: a new frontier of conflict
Contemporary states today are highly dependent on the computer network. This is true both with regard to...
CHAPPIE: The Quadruped Robot for CBRN Defense of the US Armed Forces
CHAPPIE is a sophisticated unmanned quadruped robot (QUGV) employed by the US Space Force for defense against...
In Vicenza, American soldiers and partners train to obtain the prestigious E3B badges
More than 1.000 U.S. Army soldiers in Europe, including members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade and Southern...
Intelligence and Military Diplomacy in Israel's War
Rivers of ink have been spilled about Israeli intelligence in the last year: myths and legends,...
Native Soldier Receives Hair Waiver in South Dakota Army National Guard
Private Moses Brave Heart, a member of the South Dakota Army National Guard (SDNG) and Oglala Tribe...
Power and Precision on the Battlefield: Allison Transmission, Testing and Performance Under Control
After the success story of James Asbury Allison, the visit to the Hungarian production department and the presentation...
