The selection and training of the raiders: once upon a time there was the 80 / B course

(To Tiziano Ciocchetti)

This article presents technical, specific and "real life" information thanks to the collaboration of a former member of the 9th regiment With Moschin. The veracity of the same has been proven through other sources of the highest reliability as well as by consulting documents openly available.

The purpose is to deepen the theme of the selection and training process of the raiders. The article, in fact, will examine the fascinating and "exclusive" path of "genesis" of the Tier 1 Operators of the Italian Army, made up solely of the raiders of the 9th parachute assault regiment With Moschin. Not that other training courses are not as interesting and probably even more attractive and peculiar, but they are certainly and notably different from what we are going to expose. This feature also helps to reinforce the connotation of exclusivity of which the only raiding unit of the Army boasts.

Furthermore, the writing, beyond pursuing a purely informative purpose and dedicated to enthusiasts of the subject, would also like to address to those who, professionally, would yearn to start a path in this sense and are desperate for certain information, being often obliged to extricate oneself from a multitude of controversial products present on the network of dubious reliability and equally obscure origin and purpose.

The selection

In order to lay solid foundations, including lexical ones, we start from the definition of the noun "selection" which, according to the famous Treccani dictionary, means: "Choice, an operation of choice that aims to draw from a group, even a very large one, the best or most suitable elements for certain purposes".

The aforementioned enunciation of the term fully grasps the meaning of the delicate process of selecting the aspiring raiders, whose ultimate goal is precisely that of choosing from a vast and heterogeneous group of aspirants (through an exhausting path that we will soon see in detail) more suitable to face the long, arduous and highly selective training path of the paratrooper raider which, in fact, continues for the entire duration of the training process and does not end only in the specific phase.

The more attentive readers will not have escaped the term "heterogeneous" which, while on the one hand it may appear in antithesis with the concept of homogeneity, typical of the eligibility criteria provided by the Army staff for access to the selections1, on the other hand, underlines the opening of the process towards all those soldiers who, possessing the aforementioned (and homogeneous) criteria, come from the most disparate departments, weapons and specialties of the Army, including background very different professionals. This clarification is useful for due transparency towards any readers who, while serving in organizations that are distant by geographical distance and traditions from the sphere of the Special Forces, are interested and motivated to "get involved".

In less recent times, access to the selections for the training process of the raiders was limited only to the personnel of the paratroopers brigade thunderbolt. This situation, if on the one hand guaranteed a basic "valuable" standard, if only in terms of "voluntariness", of proven adaptability to psycho-physical efforts and familiarity with the third dimension (the aspirants were already in possession of the military paratrooper patent "tie rope"), on the other hand it precluded many valid young "daredevils" from entering the elite of the 9th regiment With Moschin for the sole reason of not having indicated the air troops among their desired ones at the end of the basic training process at the various training bodies of the Armed Forces (Military Academy, Petty Officer Students School).

Now, the requirements have changed as well as the procedures and selective tests and we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions of young people who aspire to obtain the coveted (joint) patent from Incursore.2 in compliance with the necessary confidentiality framework and also encouraging us to provide some useful suggestions to better face the tests.

Today, to become raiders it is necessary to transit, for recruitment, through the Special Operations (OS) sector of the Army, whose basin is composed of the departments of the 9th parachute assault regiment With Moschin (Tier 1), of the 4th Alpine Parachute Regiment Monte Cervino and the 185th Reconnaissance and Objective Acquisition Regiment thunderbolt (both departments Tier 2). The Iter is regulated by the Army General Staff (EMS) which, through the section Special Operations, in coordination with the Army Special Operations Forces Command (COMFOSE) and with the Personnel Employment Department it identifies the organic shortcomings of the departments of the sector and annually announces recruitment calls for adherence to the selection and training process of future "OS operators".

These calls, depending on the needs of the aforementioned departments, can be open to all categories of military personnel (officers, marshals, sergeants, volunteers on permanent service - VSP - and volunteers in pre-established firm - VFP - from 1 to 4 years), or addressed ad hoc to the most critical category (s). The aforementioned documents also contain verbatim the prerequisites necessary for the validation of your candidacy.3 Interested military personnel, in possession of the required requisites, can submit the appropriate application (attached to the announcement) through their chain of command to the OS section of the EMS (responsible for the initial screening methods of candidates / verification of requirements).

All very nice, rational and orderly, one might think, but already from a first examination of a very recent recruitment call for the OS sector4 learning that "the preference of the training course indicated by each candidate (or for raiders, rangers or acquirers) is subject to the organic needs of the departments and, therefore, is not binding for the Armed Force for the purposes of the assignment to the specialized basic training phase "!

In simpler words, the aspiring raider "X" submits an application (which we reiterate to be common for the entire Sub-Fund) and expresses the "raider" preference. In the foreseen period he presents himself for the "selection" phase and is judged, at the end of the same, "suitable" for attending the course Basic Operator for Special Operations (OBOS). Subsequently, he attended and successfully completed the OBOS course at the newly established Special Operations Training Center (CEADDOS) of COMFOSE and, at the end of all this - which although very basic still requires some more effort than any other basic course of the Armed Force - we hear "We are sorry, your request is not compatible with the 'Supply Form' established by the Department for the Employment of Personnel (DIPE) and therefore your Lordship will be assigned to the training phase of basic specialization in another regiment of the sector" !

In the face of voluntariness!

In essence, precisely in defiance of this universal principle that distinguishes Special Forces around the world and regardless of the results achieved, we must assign you to one of the departments Tier 2 otherwise we risk closing them due to a lack of volunteer personnel.

From information in our possession, in fact, about 35% of the incursor candidates suffer the harmful effects of this policy and end up "feeding" an FS department which, however respectable, noble, attractive and deserving is not to be liked. With this mechanism, which was already defined in a previous article "Studied at the table by strategists of the generalized weakness and of the front equally yielding on all its breadth" whoever pays the consequences once again is not only the only department Tier 1 of the sector, which has always been the most coveted unit by the candidates, but also the Armed Force. In fact, the basic principles of the Special Forces that they are based on are failing small numbers, very high preparation, looming motivation and towering voluntariness.

Also, for the next 7 years, to the candidate who accepted through gritted teeth e reluctantly to start the specialization process in a department Tier 2, the possibility of redoing the selections to retry to enter the raider unit is denied, almost as if the assignment in a Tier 2 unit follows the logic of a sentence!

The first advice that, due to this unfortunate , we are forced to give to those who intend to reach the Tier 1 and of NOT be duped by proposals and rumors that should lead to accept a position in Tier 2 so much then the transition to the raiders department would be facilitated at a later time. This is absolutely not true! The notorious "osmosis" between departments of the so-called "sector" does not work and has always been opposed! At present, in fact, this passage will be stubbornly hindered primarily by the commanders of the departments Tier 2 who will express a negative opinion.

If you want to go to the Tier 1 and do not fall within the rate of the "power supply module" - due to the deplorable Cencelli principle adopted by the staff - it is better to give up, return to the original department (or, if coming from the RAV, go to an air troops department) and try the selection again for the OBOS the following year or at the first available call, perhaps dedicating the waiting time to a more in-depth physical preparation.

In this regard, to avoid this absurd, grotesque and counterproductive application of the “Cencelli manual”, always with a constructive spirit, we would like to suggest the doubling of selections. Indeed, it would be much more logical and responsive to a priority criterion to draw up calls for recruitment and selections dedicated only to Tier 1 whose maximum limit in terms of "selected" is indicated by the training capacity of the department, at least until the organic positions of the operational component of the regiment are fully covered.

Closed this duty and for someone (the famous 35%) painful parenthesis, we continue from where we left off.

The selections for access to the OBOS course, under the responsibility of the Special Operations Training Center (CEADDOS) of COMFOSE (co-located together with COMFOSE at the Vitali District in Pisa), consist of “Physical Selection Tests” and Selection Internships.

The physical tests, generally lasting a total of 2/3 days, include a series of evaluation tests (which average) and some "barrage" tests (whose failure to reach the standards precludes the continuation) which are based on mere measurement the physical performance of each aspirant in terms of strength, athleticism and physical endurance.

Below is an explanatory table (physical selection tests):

Nothing transcendental, in short, and we would like to add, nothing that any soldier cannot be able to overcome without too many worries, unless one takes as a reference those who enlisted with the sole ambition of a "permanent job", protected by wide-ranging regulations and "feel-good" interpretations which, over the years, have, if not abrogated, at least circumvented the concepts of "excess weight" and "operational efficiency tests".

Whoever passes these tests is inside! He is admitted to the Selection Internship, unless the number of suitable candidates does not exceed the positions established by the Personnel Employment Department (especially for the officers and marshals categories). This is why our further and dispassionate advice is to give the maximum to each test, without saving energy (in case of "surpluses" the merit ranking can make the difference)!

As already mentioned, the carrying out of the physical selection tests is carried out by CEADDOS (1st Compagnia Formazione di Base), currently structured on the 9th framework. With Moschin which makes use of a pool of qualified instructors from the 3 regiments of the sector. The 9th With Moschin it is the only one to boast an experience of over 70 years in the field of selection and training and it is not surprising that the officers in command of the CEADDOS units wear the sword of the raider license. In fact, in the delicate sector of selection it takes time and experience to acquire the necessary Expertise and to prevent initial, incorrect, or hasty choices from jeopardizing the final product.

Candidates suitable for physical selections access the "Selection Internship" which materializes in a tortuous path lasting a total of 2 weeks, conducted once again by CEADDOS, in which the aspiring raiders (together with the aspirants of the other 2 departments) face without solution of continuity (there is no free weekend or the so-called service hours to be clear) a grueling series of tests.

At this point we imagine that readers would like to know in detail what this evidence is. And on this we must respectfully take a step back and limit ourselves to saying that the ultimate purpose of the "Internship" is to choose the most suitable for the job of the raider (remember the lexical definition of selection?) Through the measurement of resistance parameters psycho-physical jealously guarded by the instructor staff. One thing is certain, take note if interested, only the most motivated will emerge as winners from the internship! Believe it not, this is the only certain equation, especially when the psycho-physical energies start to waver!

If on the one hand, as mentioned, we do not go into the details of the tests, we still feel obliged to dispense (thanks to some qualified external contribution) some advice for young and motivated aspirants.

In primo luogo, take care of physical fitness. If it is true that the physical selection tests are accessible to almost all young people in uniform, it is equally true that the tests of the Selection Internship they certainly require a greater effort, for which physical training is required as a premise, based on the strength of resistance, or the ability to withstand a workload protracted over time. Strengthen the immune system, especially if the internship is scheduled in the winter season, it is certainly useful to better cope with the high loads of psycho-physical stress regardless of the weather conditions. Take care of the feet! If there is to identify one part of the body that is put to the test more than the others, the choice of feet can only be unanimous! In fact, a very high percentage of young aspirants give up or fail the internship due to the onset of painful problems in the extremities (mainly sores and blisters). The constant change of socks and the use of talcum powder at the end of each activity, or at any time of rest, helps to contain excessive sweating and prevents the onset of very painful sores and fatigue blisters. In this regard, the use of already “tried on” footwear compared to brand new boots bought perhaps the day before the activities to make a good impression and appear more macho is absolutely recommended. Finally, if you have not been able to prevent it, the use of patches compeed can still get us out of trouble!


The formation of the raider of the 9th rgt With Moschin continues, at the end of Selection Internship, with the frequency of the aforementioned OBOS course. At this point, however, it is only right to open a parenthesis on this formative period

The OBOS course

The OBOS course, at the 9th regiment With Moschin, NOT needed!

To understand this statement it is necessary to go back to the years before 2006, when the "special" name was decidedly less sexy and inflated than today and the 9th regiment "Col Moschin" enjoyed the deserved discretion and management autonomy in terms of selection and training .

At the time, the regiment drew from the departments of the parachute brigade personnel already in possession of the “bridle rope” parachuting patent and already trained in combat patrol activities that the current OBOS course aims to achieve.

The candidates, after the selections, went directly to the infamous course 80 / B which lasted more than 7 months and allowed the achievement of the qualification of Paratrooper destroyer, which also included a very serious and selective preparation in the field of explosives and was the first step of the then training course of the Raider.

The establishment of the OBOS course, undertaken for the need to train the staff of the departments of the Tier 2 and to argue that in the "sector" training was "common", Has upset the previous process by reaching an OBOS course of only 10 weeks which aims to achieve the training objectives of the combat patrol by excluding any activity that has to do with artifices and explosives. We have already dealt with the aims of the course in the article "Some clarifications regarding the article on the economic treatment of Special Forces".

As if that were not enough, over time, the OBOS has been decentralized towards the other two departments (while remaining a guided Special Forces Training Department (RAFOS) of the 9th With Moschin), with the result that, very often, the aspiring incursor students found themselves attending the OBOS in Montorio Veronese, losing thatimprinting which for many decades had been handed down from generation to generation at the RAFOS premises and which contributed to forging future raiders (it is not a novelty that in the profession of weapons students instinctively tend to model themselves on the basis of the principles and values ​​transmitted to them by their own instructors).

And so, at the end of the "decentralized" OBOS, the aspiring raiders (net of the unfortunate 35%) came to the RAFOS of the 9th regiment for the continuation of the process and clashed with a very different reality from that experienced in the previous months. Many of these students were thus forced to voluntarily resign from the continuation of the raid process already in the first or second week of their stay in Livorno, including, among the most frequent reasons, a treatment "too harsh and very different" from the one received at the school company in Montorio Veronese. In a nutshell, the "white glove" treatment (set by those who need to turn a blind eye to the standards otherwise they risk closing the department due to lack of numbers) allowed to pass the OBOS course even for those who did not have the necessary necessary psycho-physical-motivational qualities!

As we said before, the craft is NOT invented and Expertise is acquired with a lot, but a lot of experience!

With the birth of the COMFOSE, the OBOS course is finally centralized to the CEADDOS of the COMFOSE, which can be compared to a volunteer training regiment "special". Basically, the CEADDOS should focus and try to do two "simple" tasks in the best possible way: that of receiving, dressing, preparing and selecting the personnel who will then access the OBOS course and that of planning, organizing and conducting the OBOS itself. Simple tasks but very "demanding" since we are talking about very consistent numbers.

The OBOS requires a great effort in terms of resources and finances as we work on large numbers, but the return in terms of "baked" raiders per year is laughable, indeed, compared to when the 80 / B course existed, and the 9th did everything on his own, the numbers decreased and the expenses increased!

After the OBOS, the students are assigned to the various regiments (of the suitable ones, the 9th loses about 30% to the advantage of the other two departments, in addition to not satisfying, thanks to the power module, about 35% of the aspirants in defiance of the well-known principle of voluntariness) and who finally gains access to the 101st incursors company of the renamed today Infiltrator Training Department (RAI) of the 9th regiment, formerly RAFOS, begins the real training as a raider which, according to directive 7020, selective and training process for the operators of the Army Special Forces, lasts 55 weeks. These 55 weeks (which often for various reasons can reach 68) are intense, meticulously tackle all aspects of the typical work of the Raider and are summarized in the next chapter.


Internal modules / courses:

Combat Module for Incursor (MCI) - duration 28 weeks. It constitutes the "tactical base" of the future raider and culminates with the achievement of the specialization of "Paratrooper Scooper" (the one that was previously obtained at the end of course 80 / B). During the attendance of this module (with a high friction rate which unfortunately has to compensate for the inaccurate selection of the OBOS module) the students acquire the knowledge and skills to conduct the Special Operations in a non-permissive environment and in conditions of isolation, according to the technical-tactical procedures of the raiders. It is implied that during the attendance of this module the students learn the basics of the notions for conducting the three classic tasks of the Special Forces (Direct Actions, Special Reconnaissance and Military Assistance) as well as starting to chew on some specificities that will lead them to know how to conduct the tasks peculiar to the departments Tier 1 (strategic reconnaissance, hostage release and 2 other exclusively national tasks whose disclosure is not allowed). This means familiarizing yourself with the rudiments of planning, operational shooting, use of explosives (from basic to advanced techniques), radio communications, static / dynamic survival, resistance to interrogation (scenario war, prisoner of war) and many others skills prodromal to the patent of Incursore.

Advanced Combat Module for Incursor (MCAI) - duration 7 weeks. The “surviving” students of the MCI deemed suitable following the process receive one of the most exclusive training sessions in the Armed Forces. The course aims to consolidate and increase the shooting ability with the main, secondary and specialized armament supplied to the department and to impart to future raiders the technical-tactical notions of combat in an urban environment in the conduct of OS in contexts Counter Insurgency (COIN) e Counter-Terrorism (CT), aimed at the capture / neutralization of High Value Targets (HVT) and / or hostage release (Hostage Release Operations - HRO), in uncertain or non-permissive operating environments and, generally, in conditions of isolation and logistic autonomy. The tasks of counter-terrorism, capture of high-value targets and hostage release are, in fact, the only and exclusive prerogative of the raiding departments, a concept that was recently reaffirmed by the directive of the Defense Staff. In short, as the Anglo-Saxons would say a course "Bread and butter" for future raiders!

Hostage Survival & Conduct After Capture Course (HS-CAC) - duration 2 weeks. It gives the useful and fundamental notions for survival in captivity in the hostage / prisoner situation.

Amphibious Course - duration 6 weeks. It confers to the students the knowledge and skills necessary for the planning and conduct of surface amphibious infiltrations and exfiltrations (also following insertions from fixed / rotary wing aircraft and naval carriers) by means of operational team swimming, or with the use of self-inflating boats and tactical boats (for which students obtain a special military license).

Strategic Reconnaissance Course for Raiders - duration 2 weeks. In response to a specific, highly exclusive and highly classified national task assigned only to raiders, for which we cannot provide details.

Training modules / courses at external bodies:

Military Free Fall Course (CCALM), lasting 6 weeks, edited by Parachute Training Center (Pisa), which aims to confer the qualification of Free Fall Technique (TCL) to the trainees incursors (all already patented military paratroopers bridle rope even before the OBOS course).

Course (basic) of Mountaineering, duration 3 weeks (plus any 4 weeks of "qualifying" course only for students potentially eligible to achieve the qualification of Military Mountaineering Instructor), by the Alpine Training Center (Aosta), which gives incursor students the necessary knowledge and skills to safely deal with movement in a non-snowy mountain environment and overcoming natural obstacles by means of climbing techniques.

Course (basic) of Alpine skiing / mountaineering, duration 3 weeks (plus any 4 weeks of "qualifying" course only for students potentially eligible to achieve the qualification of Military Ski Instructor), by the Alpine Training Center (Aosta), which gives the Incursori students the basic skills necessary for movement on skis in a snowy mountain environment.

The aforementioned courses at external bodies provide the so-called environmental mobility skills that allow visitors to acquire the skills to be able to evolve in various geographical-operational environments. Without the combat skills acquired in previous and subsequent courses, however, such trainings would only be ends in themselves. In fact, the 9th regiment refines the skills of environmental mobility with specific combat courses conducted in the various environments. It is never claimed, therefore, that a soldier who has done the rock, ski and TCL course is practically a quasi-raider!

In fact, the personnel who successfully passed through the training modules / courses indicated above complete their training by attending a 2-week combat module in a snowy mountain environment (aimed at giving the right tactical dimension to the ski course of the alpine troops. ), by the RAI instructors. There is also an English language course, again organized by RAI, lasting 3 weeks, but conducted with mother tongue teachers.

The typically "selective" aspect of the department Tier 1 remains in place for the entire training process! In short, no “white glove” treatment found elsewhere. Interested parties are advised!

Advanced Raider Training

The training of the raider continues even after the patent has been awarded. An example is the TCL high-altitude flight course (so-called High Altitude Low Opening / High Altitude High Opening - HALO / HAHO) at the same 9th regiment With Moschin (the only department in Italy with this capacity, despite the many, unfortunate and nefarious attempts of the Parachuting School to assume the paternity) and the course for the use of closed-circuit oxygen and air self-contained breathing apparatus (ARO / ARA Course) for Special Forces at the COMSUBIN of the Navy . But the panorama of (advanced) training for raiders includes many other courses both internal and at national and foreign training institutes of excellence.

To conclude, we believe that the typical formation of the raider is and must remain a peculiarity of the 9th regiment which, otherwise, would be distorted as well as running the risk of losing that historical memory and those traditions that have cost so many lives and so many sacrifices. And to what advantage? What profit would the Armed Force derive from it?

Without insisting on the subject, already addressed in other articles, it would seem clear to everyone (given the frequent attempts to propose proposals in the Defense Commission and the last one through COCER) that to try to dilute the stock of the phases common to the 3 departments and lengthen the process of departments Tier 2 it could have the sole purpose of obtaining the raider indemnity (article 9 of law 78/86) for the sole advantage (obviously) of the NON-Raiders. But let's repeat, to what end?

Wanting to caustically summarize and stimulate criticism for constructive purposes, we highlight that the Armed Force has started a project by creating a Command (COMFOSE) that has no operational function (the pretext attempt to create an opening as a framework command of the "Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force "is rightly and definitively shipwrecked) but had the sole purpose of giving life to the so-called" Army OS Section "by forcing the 9th regiment to live together and train with the other departments called Tier 2 (including the 28th Pavia which will probably be excluded from the sector). Add to this that the only unit, in addition to the 9th regiment, which in a rational project should have been present from the beginning in the so-called "OS section of the Army" is the 3rd regiment Aldebaran (REOS) and instead has never been part of it. Basically, a command that is of little use, which has only enlarged the numbers of the FS of the Armed Forces on paper and which, in the strenuous attempt to "sell" the concept of "common training", has become responsible for the OBOS course of only 10 weeks imposing the change on those who, for decades, already had their own process that worked very well.

Even more serious, COMFOSE is even thinking of expanding the number of so-called "joint" courses by creating an additional company in CEADDOS (the 2nd "Advanced Training" company) and requiring the 9th to sell expertise in favor of others. Just think of the course Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) that the CEADDOS conducts on behalf of a foundation (SAFE) using only incursor personnel (this course was previously provided by the 9th regiment in favor of diplomats and other prominent civilian personnel).

Furthermore, all this formation in common, this “interoperability” of the Armed Force praised by COMFOSE does not lead to a common use, especially in consideration of the exclusive tasks entrusted to the raiding departments. There are also serious doubts about joint training, just think of the exercises that COMFOSE conducts (for example the series called “Mouflon”) which are often experienced as an imposition due to the questionable added training value. They are, in fact, exercises of armed force only and which therefore fall short of the fundamental concept, mentioned several times, under which the Special Operations are joint by nature.

The COMFOSE plays the role of the component command Special Operations without having the Expertise and structures and playing a role that it will never be called upon to fill in out-of-area operations. The departments involved originate gods Task Groups which, precisely from the operational experience gained up to now in operations, do not need to interoperate except for a priori deconfliction. The Special Forces, in fact they do not act en masse, do not have contiguous and / or interpenetrating areas of competence. The "special" objectives are point-like, often distant and separate. You hardly have the same special goal assigned to more than one Task Groups which would therefore need to act together and jointly. At the limit we proceed to one task organization by flowing several Task Units in one Task Group.

The only advantage is the interactions with the Task Group Air which actually works in support of a Task Units or of an Task Group. But even in this case, without having the command and control system for airspace management, what realistic training does this represent?

Let's not talk about units sub tactics, or rather operational detachments or platoons, because their training is the responsibility of the commands of Task Units or, at the limit, of the command of the Task Group and certainly not about the component command simulated in the tutorial.

If we then take into consideration the Mouflon currently underway, it would appear that the department Tier 1 is participating with only one response cell as the rest of the unit is already committed to real activities. The bulk of the activity is therefore carried out by the departments alone Tier 2 who often hold improper positions and assign themselves tasks for which they are not competent (in how many videos available on the YouTube channel we have seen creak e acquirers perform hostage release training operations or conduct activities of vaunted "undercover agents", when instead these tasks have always been entrusted to the departments Tier 1).

We conclude with a reflection: in an era in which there is an orientation towards high professionalization and specialization, in a period of scarcity of resources and in a scenario that is increasingly approaching that of the Cold War characterized by confrontation peer to peer is it appropriate to create, feed, support and equip new commands, new schools and new "special" departments?

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to rationalize resources, concentrate and strengthen rather than divide and share and then, obviously, flatten and level?


Summary table Iter Selection - Raiders Formation

1 Criteria reported on the relative recruitment calls such as, for example, the same age group as the applicants.

2 The incursor's patent was established with the Ministerial Decree of 2 May 1984 which outlines its essence as "joint forces". There are also a large number of laws that associate the possession of this patent (the characterization of which is common for all the Armed Forces - the raiders) with the payment of an indemnity.

3 Among the most common prerequisites we obviously mention the Italian citizenship, the age group - currently between 18 and 30 years -, the absence of criminal convictions - even for non-culpable crimes - and ongoing criminal proceedings, possession of eligibility for unconditional military service, the failure to report in the last 3 years, during the characteristic evaluation, ratings lower than "above average", etc.

4 "Ordinary search for staff Sergeants and VSP / VFP4 / VFP1 - year 2021" Prot. Nr. M_D E0012000 REG2021 0078513 14-04-2021, available online at the following address: