The US closes the gaps at hypersonic speed

(To Vasco Monteforte)

On June 28, 2024, the U.S. Navy and Army conducted a successful flight test of a hypersonic missile* at the Pacific Missile Range Facility of Kauai, Hawaii.

The test is defined as fundamental for evaluating progress in programs Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS - system capable of launching a precision-guided conventional weapons attack anywhere in the world within an hour) and Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW - hypersonic missiles capable of hitting targets at long distances with extreme precision and speed).

Vice Admiral Johnny R. Wolfe Jr. stated that The test represents a milestone for the nation in developing hypersonic capabilities. Similarly, Lt. Gen. Robert Rasch Jr. pointed out how joint efforts are enabling the development of new equipment and defense concepts that will allow the Army to maintain superiority over potential adversaries.

The hypersonic missile was tested to ensure that all its components, from the glide body to the thermal protection system, functioned properly. The test is part of a large program involving numerous partners, including laboratories and universities, and aims to refine the technologies for rapid operational availability within the next few years.

* The term is used for speeds above Mach 5 (approximately 6.200 km/h)

Photo: US Navy