Creating a structured supply chain of digital services aimed at the national industrial system to contribute to technological development in Italy. This is the objective of the new collaboration between Cineca and Leonardo, born in 2020 with a framework agreement for the development of common synergies in the context of research and technological innovation initiatives.
Il Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the CEO and General Manager of Leonardo, Roberto Cingolani, and the General Manager of the inter-university consortium Cineca, Alessandra Poggiani.
“The partnership with Cineca aims to make the country's production and industrial system more competitive through the use of extremely high-performance High Performance Computing infrastructures. Computing capacity and storage capacity per capita are the indicators that today best help define the level of development of a nation at the same level, or perhaps more than the GDP”, said Roberto Cingolani.
For Alessandra Poggiani "Cineca's institutional mission as a strategic national supercomputing platform also concerns technology transfer as a strategic objective. We are convinced that the collaboration with Leonardo, in a virtuous supply chain model that starts from research and ends with application, will prove particularly valuable to support economic development and national innovation".
With the new partnership, Cineca and Leonardo are making their infrastructure services and highly specialized personnel available to public and private entities for the development of one of the most innovative technologies in the industrial field, namely generative AI. The latter uses techniques of Machine Learning e Deep Learning to create new and original content by learning from massive data sets.
In this context, the computing capabilities of Cineca and Leonardo, which today have some of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe and the world, will be fundamental: the data collected could be translated into product design, management of supply chain leaders and optimization of production processes already in place.
The MoU, in detail, provides that the Cineca consortium will provide its computational resources for the development of integrated platforms for the benefit of the national system of research, higher education and education, promoting technology transfer to support the use of HPC technologies and skills by companies. Leonardo, on the other hand, through its skills and the nerve centre of supercomputing and artificial intelligence represented by davinci-1, will be able to translate what Cineca has developed into concrete services and applications, guaranteeing the consortium solutions an industrial and business footprint, within a cyber security framework, which is essential for data protection and conservation.
Leonardo will also make its computing capacity available to Cineca in situations where the consortium is unable to sustain the workload.