Exclusive Online Defense: we are back in Syria!


Online Defense lands again in Syria. After the experience of February, among infinite difficulties, we were able to return. The general picture has changed profoundly. When we left here to return to Italy, Palmira and dozens of other cities were still in the hands of ISIS or Islamist militias. After months, the loyalist forces have regained a lot of ground, but more blood has been shed and more destruction has devastated a splendid country, abandoned by all. 

We returned via land from Beirut. We would like to remind you that we are an independent newspaper, without any editorial restrictions. Compatibly with obvious security reasons, in the coming days we will try to tell what happens and what we see, trying to reach the key points.  

Texts: Andrea Cucco, Giampiero Venturi, Giorgio Bianchi

Photo: Giorgio Bianchi