Putin's matryoshka
According to Fedor Tyutchev1 "Russia cannot be understood with the mind, nor can it be measured by the common yardstick: Russia is made in its own way, one can only believe in it."; a...
The UN notices the presence of foreign forces in Libya, but does not stop the Turkish advance
A report by United Nations observers, who monitor (without much success) the arms embargo imposed on Libya, confirms the presence in the country of contractors of the ...
The geopolitical counterpart for Silvia Romano's release
Silvia Romano had just got off the plane that had brought her back to Italy wrapped in her jilbab - the traditional dress of Somali Muslims - which immediately to most ...
Taiwan: China that doesn't give up
Let's play with logic and find a geopolitical point that unites classical Greece and Chaos Theory1: Taiwan. The pax americana is eroded by the balance determined by the expansion ...
Uncle Sam calls: American power in the time of Covid
November is approaching, and Uncle Sam is preparing for the call of the American people that some want as a decision maker, in an imaginary referendum, to end Trumpism. Not...
The automotive industry and its pandemic
The government of Giuseppe Conte has announced the details of the long-awaited "Phase 2" which presents "loose links" in some sectors to counter the coronavirus emergency ....
Weapons and money: the Ayatollahs and what they don't tell us
Interpreting Iran cannot ignore the understanding of realities which, transversely, go through a religiosity imbued with practical aspects bound as always to factors ...
"Medical power for naval superiority"
A system to prevent the most unpleasant future aspects lies in the humility of considering lessons learned, an activity often carried out with annoyance, since it admits mistakes ...

Coronavirus crisis: is it time for miniBots?
I usually write my articles for Online Defense carefully indicating all the sources to "support" them on foundations ...
News and internet: an advance of war
The data regarding the evolution of the pandemic flow uninterrupted; not intending to invade fields for which ...
Coronavirus: the South Korean strategy
Since the explosion of the Coronavirus emergency, South Korea has progressively presented itself on the stage ...
The suicide of Europe?
The current pandemic, accompanied by an infodemic1 which contributes to increasing fear or to blame it ...
The coronavirus does not stop the war in Libya
The worsening of Covid-19, in some cases, does not seem to prevent the evolution of the crises underlying relationships ...
How demographics dictated the outcome of the Syrian Civil War (part 4)
The Syrian Civil War hit the country devastating both its economic and demographic assets. Second...
How demographics dictated the outcome of the Syrian Civil War (part 3)
In Syria, fertility, which reached world records until the mid-XNUMXs, has decreased since ...
How demographics dictated the outcome of the Syrian Civil War (part 2)
The Arab Republic of Syria is an Arab state located in the Middle East bordering the north and north-west with the ...
Coronavirus: the response to the crisis by Pharmacology
The new virus - SARS-CoV-2 - is causing great concern in almost all the world's health systems and in ...
The (dangerous) contradictions of the European Union
At the end of February, the Prime Minister Conte declared the uselessness of closing the borders ....
How demographics dictated the outcome of the Syrian Civil War (part 1)
One of the most characteristic aspects of Syria on which most of the commentators both in the western world and in ...
Turkey: nationalism and denialism, the tradition continues
The chronicle of the announced disaster of the Covid-19, obliges to widen the view on the different theaters, because how much ...
