Saudi Arabia and Iran: the strange couple
The balance of power is not a geopolitical element compatible with the Persian Gulf area; what were the two Middle Eastern pillars of Soviet Nixon containment, ...
4 November: national holiday and the geopolitics of the Italians
The Italians, understood as a national community, do not have a geopolitical-strategic self-awareness and the national holiday of November 4th, the “Day of National Unity and ...
The aggressive Turkish maritime policy destabilizes the Mediterranean
The recent Turkish threats of expulsion of ten Ambassadors1, "guilty" of having signed an appeal for the release of Osman Kavala, have brought back to the attention of the media ...
How much (not) the American withdrawal from Afghanistan weighs in Arab perception
Many commentators have felt that the poorly managed US withdrawal from Afghanistan was a prelude to one from Iraq (another country invaded by Americans, a symbol of how the ...
Russia has a strategic vision for the Black Sea, the West does not
In the 1s, Nicholas John Spykman developed the concept of "rimland" XNUMX the "semipermeable" maritime and coastal strip that delimits the island-world and that is ...
NATO-Russia crisis: much ado about nothing
Politics and interests continue to run regardless of pandemics; this is the case of the rupture of relations between NATO and Russia, an event that would have displaced the same ...
Indo Pacific: war does not wait
History can be viewed from multiple angles; if for Churchill August 1948 marks, losing India, the beginning of the British historical-political downsizing, for ...
Iron and gas curtains
History, the real one, not that of the case count, has started to run everywhere, following the fluorescent path of the power projections; the Kremlin redesigns ...

Let me explain why Xi Jinping has not left China for 600 days
On March 22, 2013, the era of Xi Jinping, recently elected secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), had just begun ...
In the name of the fathers
On September 11, 2001, the world changed forever. However in these days when the international community ...
Requiem for the land of the West
The flow of history is constant, regardless of more or less deterministic cyclicality or unprecedented forms of ...
Twenty years later
No, this is not the beautiful and famous central novel of Alexandre Dumas' trilogy about the three musketeers, but ...
Afghanistan: game over?
As a Pashtun1 adage goes, there are those who have time and who only have a watch to check it. Net of what it is ...
State Building and Army Building: notes on the failure of Western politics in Afghanistan
The twenty-year war in Afghanistan that ended with the reconquest of the country by the Taliban was a failure ...
China to conquer Afghan rare earths
Recent events in Afghanistan, with the approximate and hasty American retreat, have highlighted since ...
Invest in China? Quite a bad deal these days. Geopolitics says so ...
Chinese tech giants have taken a misstep: they have practiced or tolerated too long and with great ...
The coup in Moscow: the "rebel" general who saved Russia and the world
We agree with Leo Tolstoy according to whom “there are heroes who are entirely dedicated to their mission and who ...
Good bye Afghanistan: the lack of understanding of the Afghan system as the cause of the defeat of the Coalition
Fifty-three (+1, ndd) is the number of Italians who died in the Afghan conflict. Six hundred and fifty-one is the number of ...
Vietnam Afghan
Tarinkot, Kandahar, Lashkargah, Herat, Feroz Koh, Qala-e-Nau, Ghazni, Fayzabad, Aybak, Zaranj, Sheberghan, Kunduz, Pul -...
The future of Afghanistan? Chinese!
These days crocodile tears are wasted in relation to the sad fate of the Afghans, in a country that ...
