B-767 reports contingent homeland from Afghanistan
The flight, which departed from Al Bateen airport (United Arab Emirates) in the early afternoon yesterday, reached the Airport Detachment of the ...
In Cortina the Alpine people intervene to get rid of a school
The military, who arrived in the area from the first hours of the emergency in support of the population, were joined yesterday by teams of Army specialists, alpieri and instructors ...
Giuran 670 VFP1
At the ceremony held in Piazzale "G. Antonucci "of the barracks" Solomon "in the presence of the Regiment's War Flag, decorated by the Italian Military Order, a ...
"Buon Vento": the 30 ° Naval Group greets the Borsini patrol boat in Mozambique
With these words, the Commander of the 30th Naval Group, Division Admiral Paolo Treu, on the morning of January 31, 2014, greeted the ...
In Taranto the statue of the Madonna of Loreto
The theme chosen for the occasion recalls words taken from the popular song dedicated to the Virgin: "From the dawn you rise more beautiful", an expression that highlights the contrast with the ...
23 Army athletes at the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi 2014
Confirming the rooting in the national winter sports context, the Alpine troops who will represent the Italian Army at the Games in Russia come from 6 (six) different ...
Shahid's profile between training and tactics
Becoming a martyr, or rather a human bomb, is not just a religious or political choice, but it is above all the result of a skilful and scrupulous "psychological manipulation" based ...
Eugen Drewermann: Giordano Bruno
So, a little deceived by the title, I inquired about the author to understand how reliable the novel could be, how good I could take the novel and how much ...

Increases the number of soldiers engaged in bad weather
Army engineers, are using 7 motopompe hydrovore, earthmoving equipment, trucks for transporting ...
DSACEUR visits Nato Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy
On his arrival he was received by the Commander of the NRDC-ITA, the General of the Armed Forces Giorgio Battisti, who ...
Olympic Classes at the World Cup 2014 - The MM on the podium with Laura Linares
In the end, 4 medals won by the Italians, a truly excellent result to which are added some ...
James George Frazer: The golden branch
I have read the reduced version to a single volume, published by Newton Compton in the 2009 (third edition), but the first ...
CIMIC activities of the Italian contingent in Lebanon
In recent days, the staff of the Combat Service Support Battalion, for the most part made up of staff of the 1 ° ...
Latorre and Girone, the farce continues!
Just two days ago, our Government had assured that, in the event of the absence of the leaders of ...
Emergency transport from Brindisi to Milan
At the request of the Prefecture of Brindisi, the Situation Room of the Summit of the General Staff of Rome has ...
30 ° Naval Group and Operation Smile Onlus: solidarity stops in Mozambique
Indices aimed at everything that for young guests is considered a novelty: a sailor who coordinates the games of ...
Italy-Mozambique: signed technical agreement of Naval Cooperation
The event, which took place on the occasion of the twelfth stop of the 30th Naval Group involved in the Country System ...
Bad weather: Army in action with military 250 across Italy
Since last Friday, instead, at the request of the Belluno Prefecture, about 120 soldiers are operating with 4 BV206 ...
The Army in the schools of Veneto
The meetings, which are held by officers on duty both at the High Command of Padua and at the Departments of ...
Completed the TPI in Basilicata
The now consolidated event has interested Italian citizens aged between 15 and 32 years, and even this ...
