29 December 1941 happened: saved the survivors of Atlantis and Python
Italian boats are called to participate in a rescue operation, in the middle of the war, unprecedented for submarines, in particularly difficult conditions and ...
29 December 1881 happened: The on-board Rangefinder
This instrument tested positively over several years, will be part of the endowment of the on-board artillery material under the name of "Fincati rangefinder" Source...
For NATO, NATO is one of the main threats to its security
Although the risk of a large-scale war against Russia has diminished - we read - some security threats continue to grow. The military strengthening of ...
Greece: ferry to Italy on fire, engaged two AM helicopters
The rescue operations, coordinated by the Greek and Italian authorities (Maritime Rescue Sub Center of Bari), are made particularly complex by the weather conditions: ...
28 December 1908 happened: Messina Earthquake
The work is completed by a seaquake with waves sweeping from 6 to 12 m, beaches, shores and quays. It is one of the most violent and catastrophic earthquakes in history: 80.000 victims in Messina ...
"Safe Roads": 4100 soldiers engaged on the national territory
During 2014, 146.000 people and 34.000 vehicles were checked / identified, and 56 weapons and 633 cars / motorbikes were seized, almost 8 kilos of drugs ...
26 December 1872 happened: The Regia Marina's Hydrographic Office was set up
The Office's mission is to develop an autonomous national nautical map and to provide naval units of instruments and nautical documentation. For the activity ...
Lebanon: The president of the Senate visits the Italian military
In particular, General Portolano emphasized the peculiarity of his role: "the UNIFIL commander is not only the military commander but also has ...

The Military Ordinary updates the students of the Douhet
During the ceremony, held in the splendid baroque setting of the Church of Ognissanti in Florence, His Excellency ...
Attention, it is not an exercise: Santa is flying !!!
The NORAD and the previous institution, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD, Continental Air Defense Command), ...
Despite the controversy, the F-35 program pulls straight
The last JSF, known as CF-19, was the first F-35C (aircraft carrier variant) delivered to the Marine Corps. The...
"Wings Of Gold" for an officer of the Navy
Lorenzo Petrini, however, arrives at this result after a difficult path, during which he put the whole ...
Safe Roads: visit of General Graziano
General Graziano expressed his best wishes on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas festivities to all the staff ...
Anti-terrorism and airport sabotage course
The course, organized by the Training Office of the Air Team Command and held by instructors of the Protection Unit ...
The two Fucilieri di Marina: the Bancomat Italia
A few weeks ago I had to write in question form whether Italy was a terrorism ATM. Today...
The 10 is the most powerful weapon of the modern era
What are the most powerful weapons of the modern era? The American press, as it happens every year, has drawn up the ...
Completed the 55 ° course for the operating rooms of the air department (SOR)
The course, lasting 3 weeks, was held at the Aerocooperation School located on the airport grounds ...
President Napolitano greets the military abroad
In the presence of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and of all the top leaders of the armed forces ...
23 December 1917 happened: CT Audace delivered
This unit that had been commissioned from the aforementioned shipyard by the Japanese Imperial Navy that had assigned it ...
