Will 5G change our lives? Interview with Marco Pizzuti
Marco Pizzuti, born in 1971, is an author specialized in counterinformation. His books have sold over 200.000 copies only in Italy and have been published in 19 countries of the ...
"Claim with pride" or be ashamed with humility
Those responsible for the not exciting national policy, made more gloomy by the gloomy economic prospects, recently pretended or at least emphasized a jolt of ...
An Army general in charge of the Roman brigade
Army corps general Paolo Gerometta, former commander of the Savoy Cavalry regiment, with experience of missions in Kosovo and Lebanon, was appointed by the mayor of Rome ...
The role of Italy in the Mediterranean
A nation that is struggling to find a framework for internal politics is unlikely to develop a coherent strategy for international relations. Indeed to Italy ...
Poverty and Nobility
Hymn to uncomfortable thinking. Generally the uncomfortable thought looks like the blow of the witch: it is there, hatching, and then suddenly it leaves you doubled up while you are ...
The best way to pay homage to Falcone's courage? Don't be hypocritical
“The mafia is by no means invincible. It is a human fact and like all human facts it has a beginning and will also have an end. Rather, one must realize that it is a phenomenon ...
Free thoughts on April 25th
In these days of forced imprisonment (but with the Save Italy Decree, seventy-year-old mafiosi are released from prison) many are asking questions about the meaning of our Democracy ...
What do we know about the seasonality of COVID-19?
Many infectious diseases generally have different seasonal patterns; the flu has a peak in winter, chickenpox in spring and hepatitis A in summer1 ....

Coronavirus: when a piece of land can make a difference ...
Could no one ever have imagined it? Or maybe yes, someone had even announced it, but it had not been heard. The...
From Russia with love. From Italy? A dried fig!
Did Russian intelligence agents also come with help? This is the question many have asked after reading ...
World War Coronavirus
“I have no idea what weapons will be needed to fight World War III, but the Fourth will be fought with ...
Why waste time with coronavirus bonds? A more sensible (and realistic) proposal
Those who follow me know that I think we are on the eve of the most serious recession in history. Precisely for this reason, I believe that ...
Coronavirus: aid to the erosion of democratic values ​​and Western unity?
The Covid-19 crisis could be the first global crisis without American leadership. But the risk is that from ...
The case of the Wuhan company at the ice cream fair in Rimini: a question to the organizers
The well-known journalist Selvaggia Lucarelli has recently attracted the ire of administrators and entrepreneurs from the areas ...
Coronavirus: a possible scenario to demonstrate its devastating force
In Rome, the bells ring dead, even if the churches are deserted. Closed for weeks, after which even at Easter to ...
Not just COVID 19
The sensational favorable turnaround of a certain policy and a certain press towards the armed forces is undoubtedly ...
Covid19 emergency, the importance of our military should not be underestimated
With an investment percentage of GDP of just 1,3% reserved for Defense (the share also includes ...
The danger of the coronavirus as no one has described it to you, except the WHO (but you have not read it)
"The COVID-19 virus is unique among human coronaviruses in its combination of high transmissibility, high mortality in ...
Armed Forces Volunteers: Welfare at zero cost (and fight against denatality)
Forty years old, married, one son, salary of around 1500 euros. Let's talk about the typical volunteer of the Italian army. The...
Scenario of the spread of the coronavirus in Italy ... (read it if you are not very emotional)
This article - under the sorts of a fantasy story - has solid scientific foundations and describes neither more nor less ...
