The September 11 and the acceleration of the 21st century
When in the 1994 the historian Eric J. Hobsbawn published his most important work, "Il Secolo Breve", he laid a milestone in world historiography, giving a ...
The Skripal case: more than Agatha Christie looks like the "Pink Panther"
"To make a success, the bluff must be led to the end, until exasperation. There is no compromise. You can not bluff halfway up and then tell the truth ...
Uncensored and armed with arms
A very current theme is that of the release of the port and possession of weapons, even if it is a license to use volley, more commonly known as sporting use. It would ...
The young vice premier gave proof of maturity in front of al Sisi. When in Saudi Arabia?
In three months, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah Al Sisi saw three Italian ministers pass from his studio: from the interview on migrants with Matteo Salvini, specialty of the ...
La gaja naja
The impromptu, impromptu release of v.premier Salvini on the restoration of military leverage has first provoked the skepticism of the Minister of Defense and of the professional soldiers, ...
The sea and Italy: just a flat expanse of umbrellas?
Although it may seem bizarre, geopolitics also affects our country. The fact that it is not one of the most popular national popular disciplines does not prevent ...
The farce of the U. Eighteen and the great shame if Eritreans and Somalis are on board
I read the words - for now, not denied - reported by the Radical MP Magi that - discussed and questionable, but still such - commander Massimo Kothmeier, ...
Russia and Japan: the bridge that will never be built and the castronerie of a journalist
Sometimes the good Homer fell asleep: imagine if they can not take the colossal cantonate, perhaps the result of heatstroke, of Italian journalists in these ...

The catastrophe of Genoa as a metaphor for the decline of Italy
In the days when the Ligurian capital is at the top of all the news in Italy and abroad, I want to share with ...
The return of Naja: Salvini against everyone
"So they will teach my son the education as they did to Scieri those in Livorno!" It is a Pisan, the most ...
Programmatic lines of the Defense Ministry: considerations on the Minister's hearing
With the illustration of the Minister of Defense, last July 26, of the programmatic lines of the Dicastery1 at ...
Electric cars, China drives. Stroke of luck or strategic planning?
Sometimes it is heard, by the man in the street, "what luck", "what a stroke", or, perhaps, a little more colorful ...
The pains of the young Salvini (and Di Maio ... there is also him)
The cabinet Conte - powered by Salvini and driven by the less visible Di Maio - does not scare anyone. This is the...
Barracks and hazing
In the dictionary of the Italian language the term "hazing" is defined as follows: "In military life, the behavior ...
And if we really needed it?
In these days, flipping through the front pages of newspapers or listening to the main television networks, it becomes ...
The Libyan web and Minister Salvini in front of the Spider ...
A few weeks ago I was sitting at the table with a Turkish businessman: my company and his company were negotiating a ...
Suicides between entrepreneurs and unemployed: victims of state injustice? Better to talk about it ...
Anger and a sense of abandonment have no limits on the anxious subject of unemployment; a condition often ...
Dutiful clarifications on legitimate defense
Misunderstandings generate confusion and we start by saying that those who work as journalists have the specific duty of ...
The young soldiers of the 1899 Class: our heroes of the time. While today there are those fleeing from the wars ...
The young soldiers of the 1899 class had the baptism of fire. Their behavior was magnificent and on the river ...
Request for correction to Defense Online regarding the article "Italians to arms!"
Dear Editor, the article appeared on Difesa Online entitled "Italians at ...
