Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Capo Teulada


Reached by a belated judicial communication exhuming past violations of the area of ​​the Polygon of Capo Teulada, the ex-honorable Mauro Pili the 30 April gave an interview to a local newspaper to resume his crusade against the biblical calamities due to the military presence Isle. His statements made me feel like a Don Quixote in an eternal struggle against windmills; in fact, for more than a decade I have been trying to inform the public about some facts that clash with the cry of pain of the ex-governor of Sardinia called to answer for acts on which the magistracy (and not the Italian Army) will have to rule. These are the five cornerstones that I believe every citizen has the sacred right to know:

- first: in the Sardinian polygons a single shot of depleted uranium has never been fired;

- second: the regional ARPAS already in the 2015 declared that “the levels of radioactivity in the polygon are below the legal limits. Results that exclude any hypothesis of environmental disaster, confirming what indicated by prof. Mario Mariani appointed by Lanusei's gup Nicola Clivio (Unione Sarda of the 1 / 4 / 2015);

- third: the Prosecutor of Cagliari already the 25 / 2 / 2011 closed two investigations excluding "that in the Quirra area there are traces of depleted uranium";

- fourth: already in the 2001 three of the greatest national oncologists (Franco Mandelli, Franco Nobile and Giuseppe Remuzzi) excluded that the UI (I repeat: that which has NEVER crossed the borders of the Sardinian polygons) could cause tumors of any kind; this by virtue of the fact that the UI emits 3 radiation millions of times lower than those emitted by the Ra 226 paint used to render the hands of alarm clocks and watches phosphorescent. It is significant that dental crowns and coronary stents are made with the UI;

- fifth: about the number of "Sardinians and sick soldiers" because of the UI-phantom, the National Institute of Health (Dr. Musumeci) since the 14 / 7 / 2012 claimed that "in the area the mortality values ​​are below the regional average and do not deviate from it except for non-tumor causes such as cirrhosis ”. So the generic non-certified massacres, the deformed babies and the mysterious two-headed lambs are among those that the mayors of Perdasdefogu and Villaputzu, Mariano Carta and Sandro Porcu, have defined respectively "clamorous falsehoods" and "disconcerting non veracity", cause of serious image damage for local communities. In this context there is also the well-known campaign that for years has attributed to UUI the death of the late Valery Melis, another falsehood on which the TAR of Cagliari (Union of 17 / 4 / 2015) has definitively ruled.

In the interview with Pili we also read a grotesque conclusion: "due to the use of missiles Milan it is as if a nuclear bomb exploded in Teulada's shooting range ”. At this point I babbled: "Jesus, Jesus! After Hiroshima and Nagasaki now also Capo Teulada! But as Luca Gaviano and Donatella Petretto, researchers at the University of Cagliari, have been able to define 'Blue-zone' the area of ​​Teulada for the mere fact of having recorded among the 3600 inhabitants of the country 4 ultracentenarians, 330 over eighty and 953 over sixty-five, all in excellent physical and intellectual conditions? ". One would also wonder why the Guinness world of longevity is held by the nine Melis brothers of Perdasdefogu, all born and raised in the shadow of the shooting range?

The rest of the interview does not offer points of interest as it reproposes the tried and tested anti-militarist baggage; but on one point the interviewee is right to sell, where he declares "it is very serious that there is an area of ​​Sardinia prohibited by 2011 (in reality the prohibition is even more dated ed) due to the potential presence of unexploded ordnance ...". It's true! The southernmost peninsula of the polygon, an area for the arrival of artillery blows, was "sacrificed" to allow shooting schools which involve extreme difficulty in identifying and reclaiming any unexploded shots. The shooting activity was however suspended and a laborious reclamation work was started at the end of which also this area, equal to approximately 0,02% of the island territory, "will no longer be removed from tourism and grazing livestock" .

Waiting for this, the Sardinians expect the remaining 99,98% of the island territory to allow governors and parliamentarians of any political formation to saturate productive activities, to allow Sardinia to finally free itself from the military presence which, should not be forgotten, includes the Brigade Sassari and the induced of approximately 5000 salaries that such presence involves.

Gen. Nicolò Manca (formerly the first Sardinian commander of the "Sassari").

Photo: web (in the opening image the cloud of Nagasaki shooting several kilometers away from the city, to follow the impact of a Milan on a wagon)