President Mattarella, Gen. Graziano and Vecciarelli, restore dignity to Preziosa, Miniscalco and Di Lella


The fact does not exist, so ended the judicial affair that involved the Air Force and saw three servants of the state, General Pasquale Preziosa, General Gianpaolo Miniscalco and Colonel Antonio Di Lella, acquitted with full formula.

Publicly, no one has yet thanked the victims of this affair for the crystalline and transparent work done in defense of the Italian Air Force.

The question arises spontaneously: who will have to restore dignity and honor to these three men of the institutions? But above all, who made a mistake and threw the mud, why is it still in place?

This time the mud, as it emerged, came from within and not from the outside of an organization, as often happens. A mud that has "poisoned the wells" where the military prosecution drank and brought a "useless" process to the duration of 2 years with seven long hearings. The Military Court of Rome has done a meticulous job with the sole objective of bringing out the truth, which in the end, was transparent "alone" by the acts and records of the audiences, entirely broadcast by Radio Radicale.

Now? It is public evidence that the three servants of the state acted in the only interest of the institution and that someone else, instead, only for personal and career interests. In fact "this character" on 15 March 2018 was nominated by General Enzo Vecciarelli, head of all the aeronautical doctors. I imagine, in this regard, all the Air Force doctors how they feel today to be represented by those who have played with the reputation and the health judgments of senior figures of the Armed Forces, to obtain credit and avoid a transfer already written and decreed by the far 2014.

Something stride and indignant. Who threw the mud is promoted the 15 March, before the sentence of 26 March, and who, however, worked in a transparent manner for the State is removed and "hibernated" in positions of "waiting". Waiting now finished, given the outcome of the trial.

Who has been unmasked should leave armed force and "immediately" remove the uniform among the most beloved of the Italians, according to a survey of the Defense that sees Carabinieri and Aeronautica Militare at about equal to 75% of satisfaction and reliability.

The appeal therefore to the Defense world, to General Graziano, Chief of Defense Staff, to General Enzo Vecciarelli and to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, as Head of the Armed Forces: restore dignity to three admirable servants of the state who defended and protected one of the most beautiful and clean republican institutions, the Air Force indeed!

Francesco De Pinedo