Because I would abolish the June 2 festival


The 2 June of each year in Italy is celebrated the Republic, that is, we celebrate the form of State chosen by the citizens with a referendum that even the most impartial historians define at least "doubt".

Considering the documents of a not too distant past, it is beyond doubt that on June 2 a break is celebrated and not a reconciliation, something that would be possible if it were celebrated with equal solemnity and emphasis on March 17 (Italy's birthday), November 4th (holiday for the victory of the 4th war of independence) or even if it were a national holiday on December 25th, I believe that for this date there is no need for explanations in parentheses. 

No! Italy is a special country even when it chooses the date to celebrate itself, it shows the Armed Forces with thousands of distinctions, pointing out that they are peacekeepers and to give it a politically reassuring appearance alongside firefighters, red-nurses and quests year even to Roman schoolchildren, in short, a divisive and watered down event, already suspended by Pertini and Forlani in the years' 80, not at all heard by citizens now narcotized by the empty propaganda of a policy contrary to essential concepts such as: sovereignty, national interest, meaning of citizenship.

The parade itself has little to do with this reasoning, the military, as always they are committed to show their best, aware of being one of the institutions solid and loyal to the state, perhaps the only one, but it is the rest of the country that in itself brings the contradictions of the 2 June, a nation, Italy of the 21st century, deprived of its own dignity, a country that has managed to keep alive only the bourgeois and partisan conflicts of a policy of opposing factions never able to find a synthesis, a agreement, a moment of sharing, for this I would abolish the party of the 2 June.

Andrea Pastore

(photo: ministry of defense)