GSPD: the interforce group that goes beyond paralymism. To tell us about the three archers Bove, Punzo and Tomasulo
That the Paralympic Defense Sports Group, better known as GSPD, was a particular reality, able to discover unexpressed potentialities and to enhance them, it was understood ...
Defense Industry: Italy is not talked about, the rest of the world is grateful
Italy is an industrial country, whatever one may say, in crisis. For decades generations of Italians have grown up undergoing an indoctrination based on an idea of ​​"immorality of ...
The importance of weapon associations. Interview with Francesco Businaro (Assomorosini)
I noticed with interest during my personal journalistic activity that at rallies, oaths or events of various kinds, the weapon associations are present en masse. That ...
The guerrilla view close up. Interview with prof. Gastone Breccia
"Whoever said that the interest in guerrilla warfare has the characteristics of modernity; the first treatise dealing with the theme is Byzantine and dates back to the 10th century ". It goes down directly ...
Exclusive Online Defense: last interview with the Chief of Staff of the Navy, adm. Giuseppe De Giorgi
We followed him for years, by efforts to make the country understand that the Navy in a few decades would have vanished as a credible military force (they brought ...
A life as a peacekeeper: Andrea Angeli tells his story
When I think of an international official who has spent most of his career abroad, the image that comes naturally to me is the one I have before me: physical ...
Sara Modde, history of a medal between CISOM and Navy
"Doctor of the Italian Relief Corps of the Order of Malta (CISOM), embarked on a unit of the Navy and called to operate in the Naval Device of ...
Interview with the Ukrainian ambassador to Italy
There is a conflict in Europe where it is really difficult not to take sides. This is because, even when you don't do it, you are filed ex officio and thrown on reporter lists ...

Give it to the lobbyist!
In recent weeks the term "lobbyist" has been used and abused on the front pages - as always ...
Italy is an international protagonist in space: an interview with cosmonaut Walter Villadei
We met him in Bologna, during a conference addressed to high school students for ...
Secret Service: "much better than we can believe"
The Secret Services are a still unknown reality, despite the recent work of openness and transparency brought ...
"The secret of the Marò"
"They sent them back to Italy, that 3 January 2013, because we kept them there: the Indians would never have expected that ...
The war in Syria explained by a fellow countryman: Ouday Ramadan
During the last Syrian report we listened from ministers to ordinary people at the bar, from soldiers on duty to ...
Bombs don't stop art in Damascus
Mustafa Ali is a famous sculptor, Missak Baghboudarian, the director of the Syrian National Symphony Orchestra. Two...
Syria told about who lived there: interview with prof. Paolo Matthiae
The Syrian tourism minister, Bishir Yazigi, is categorical: the destruction of cultural and archaeological heritage ...
Interview with the commander of the Naval Academy of Livorno, Rear Admiral Maurizio Ertreo
In a few days the call for applications for the admission of 118 students to one of the most prestigious centers of ...
Meeting in Damascus with the minister of Assad
As we entered Damascus we participated in a meeting with Ayman Susan, undersecretary for foreign affairs ...
Interview with the commander of the submarines of the Italian MM: amm. Dario Giacomin
The submarine component reflects its own way of operating: silent, unseen and even less "...
60 years of aviation and aviation of the marshal chosen Leandro Pompei
Why do you choose to pursue a military career? Today the most obvious answer is for the salary, for a ...
Exclusive Online Defense Interview: What Do Libyans Think About Italy?
The Libyan question is now becoming an obsessively repeated mantra by the national media. Yet Libya does not ...
