“It seems that to raise doubts is to abandon the Ukrainians to slaughter, to be traitors, cowards or deserters. Treating the theme like this means not knowing what war is".
With these words Toni Capuozzo launched an alarm two months ago, together with nine war reporter colleagues, on the risks of a partisan and hyper-simplistic narration of the Ukrainian conflict.
Why does a professional with decades of experience in so many theaters raise such concerns today?
Why, if the conflict is 700 kilometers away, should propaganda be made?
Has your relationship with information changed?
But above all... does free information exist or has it ever existed?
we ask today live at 18.00 a Tony Capuozzo, a famous journalist who has worked for the major national newspapers, from Panorama to Epoca, from RAI to Mediaset channels.
See you there!