Aeronautical Academy Contest. Objective: To train mature and responsible professionals

(To Anita Fiaschetti)

81 seats: are those made available to official students in the first class of the regular courses of the Aeronautical Academy for the academic year 2017 / 2018 and made known in the competition published in the Official Journal 4ª ssn 2 of 10 January 2017.

An ambitious future, a perspective of life, a possibility of growth and education to which many young people aspire and of which we have spoken with General Nicola Lanza de Cristoforis, commander of the Aeronautical Academy of Pozzuoli.

General, training as a first step to becoming official. What are the objectives that the Aeronautical Academy places on students? What are the principles to be transmitted and the activities to be carried out?

The objectives that the Academy has set are found in the mission, that is to choose, train and inspire exemplary commanders and professionals, willing to face this life and determined to serve our country in a team with excellence and dedication.

The activities that take place in the Academy are essentially of three types. The first is the ethical and basic training which consists in providing young students with the lexicon of the military world, that is, the service to enhance the desire to belong to the Armed Forces and to serve the Institutions, which normally belongs to the boys who face this life . In practice, adherence to those values ​​that are central to Aeronautica Militare: excellence, respect, exemplarity, dedication to service, moral integrity. This is the glue that makes the Armed Force work: it is essential that the boys cease to be polarized on themselves to be at the service of others.

Then there is the need to give them a university education of excellence, so as to have all the tools to face the future as professionals. Finally, we must give him the keys to understanding and the ability to understand the world, so that he can find solutions to complex problems and be helpful in helping to solve the great situations of indeterminacy in today's world. To do this, we have several innovative integrated training modules and we ourselves are always looking for new solutions capable of stimulating their active participation during the attendance of the Academy.

Becoming official today is not like in the past: new national and international challenges, scenarios in constant evolution and increasingly efficient and technological tools lay the foundations for continuous updating and confrontation with reality. Military, moral and professional training: how do you adapt and what are the students' answers?

Military, moral and professional training in the strict sense has a solid foundation; what changes is the challenge of adapting the training mechanisms. In this regard, there are two aspects to consider: the first is that the boys who enter the Academy today are clearly different from those of yesterday, both as people and in the way they look and approach the outside world: the external world of challenges of security, to the outside world of the social. For this reason there is a strong focus on the training system to find suitable stimuli for these children.

The second aspect is that of being able to find programs that not only give solutions to known problems, but are useful for facing today's increasingly variable, uncertain and complex world. In part we do this by addressing the issues on a theoretical and practical level and in part with training modules, however, with prestigious university collaborations in which each - and we are the first - makes available his own excellence and ability to make system. In this the boys prove to be very active finding further stimulus from the relationship with the numerous colleagues of the other European Academies, even the most prestigious ones, who come to visit them with us.

In an increasingly inter-force perspective, why should a young person choose the Air Force rather than another Armed Force?

I state that I have great admiration for those who decide to go to other Armed Forces too. There are undoubtedly belly reasons: our children must be fascinated by the world of the third dimension, that is, everything that rises from the ground and goes in the air and in space. We are competent and masters of this area: sacrificing ourselves for this dream is a first fact.

A second reason is linked to our being the inter-force response of excellence: the Air Force is less rich in traditions and proud of its roots in other Armed Forces such as the Army and the Navy. We are their legacy in the domain of the third dimension and we have always taught and transmitted the need to work together and also at the service of those who are the Armed Forces in which we originate.

The last reason is related to the technological component of an Air Force that at the same time remains strongly focused on the man who constitutes its team. Therefore, there is a clear desire to create a participatory and inclusive leadership, an environment where staff can realize themselves thanks to a communicative process that can bring people together.

What are the characteristics you need to have to become an excellent cadet?

Thanks to the reputation we have, as an Armed Forces in the country and abroad, we attract very bright guys. What we need is that they know how to be capable, understand the possibility given to them, ask for further stimuli. The spirit of sacrifice is inevitable and the will to put oneself at the service of others as well. We want ambitious kids, who love the challenge, aware of saying "I have 10 years in front of me where I can build my future, a future I see at the service of my country in a path that gives my life meaning and meaning". It is up to us to help them achieve these ambitions.

Samantha Cristoforetti and Luca Parmitano left the Academy of Pozzuoli. Luigi Broglio made Italy the third country, after Russia and the USA, to go into space. The Frecce Tricolori are admired in the world. Three clues are proof: can we also speak of excellence of Made in Italy?

The legacy of the Air Force is heavy and we feel the sense of challenge: that of being able to live up to the preparation that has been provided to these people. Undoubtedly seeing these results gives us the assurance that much good has been done: they are Italian excellences, which are not born from nothing, but on which we must work in order to have adequate bases for the future and in this we strongly believe in the contribution that can come from the young generations. We need to invest a lot and train mature and responsible men and women, capable of working, of directing, of facing increasingly complex challenges in the future and for the common good.

You can apply until 9 February 2017. For information consult the sites of the DEFENSE and dell 'air Force.