Angelo Deiana is a prominent figure in the Italian economic and financial panorama: currently, he is the president of Confactions and was recently appointed president of the Artificial Intelligence Observatory.
Waiting for your speech at convention "Cybersecurity in the time of Artificial Intelligence" of July 25th in Rome, we asked Angelo Deiana some questions to understand resources and threats related to cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
These themes, often considered one new frontier, are actually well known to industry experts.
What are the aims of the Artificial Intelligence Observatory of which you were appointed president?
The Observatory is the emanation of a network of associations of professionals, managers, universities and medium and large-sized companies, to study the topic of AI - today and in the future. The first aim is therefore to map the state of the art.
We only talk today about artificial intelligence, the kind defined as "generative", but in reality it has existed for a long time and deals with, to give some examples, the climate, flights or finance. 75% of global trading is based on algorithms. The new AI brings the aforementioned areas closer to the rest of the System, and creates a competitive advantage: with a semantic system, questions are asked and answers are received.
His latest publication “The Great Game. Part one: the promise” focuses on AI issues. What role will it have in the management of public and private cyber security?
In a "data driven" economic world, i.e. guided by data, information and knowledge, we feed the system with our data: public and private, sensitive or not.
The work of the Observatory is therefore of public awareness: if we are provided with something "for free" with the basic versions of the main generative artificial intelligences of the moment such as ChatGPT, Mistral in France or Model Italy here, it means that the compensation is us, our data. An important topic of privacy and above all Cybersecurity (at the level of companies, institutions and states!), which we will address at the conference on 25 July.
(To participate in the event "Cybersecurity in the time of Artificial Intelligence" of 25 July 2024, at the Sala del Cenacolo in Piazza in Campo Marzio 42, Rome, it is necessary to register by sending an email to within 11.00 hours of the 24 July 2024)