Tonight at 21.00 ON AIR Defense: "Are we ready to die?"


Faced with an ongoing war and in which we are fully involved, there are those who pretend nothing has happened, those who tell it from afar, those who do not admit their inadequacy to command, those who sabotage our Defense and those who even seem (preventively) give up.

Our National Anthem has a refrain that it says "Let us join together in cohort, we are ready for death, we are ready for death, Italy called", however, it seems to be the beginning of the second verse to represent us at this juncture "We have been trampled on for centuries, derided because we are not a People, because we are divided ...".

There are Italians who, faced with a foreign conflict, have decided to leave at the risk of their lives. We will always give it for our country. But... in how many?

And the day it is our turn to fight, who can we rely on?

On the appeals of the Holy Father?

On the "non-offensive" armaments that - with contempt - will be sent to us?

About the Armed Forces constantly humiliated and sabotaged?

After all, even if we find it hard to admit it ... aren't we already war?

We discuss it tonight at 21.00 pm in a new episode of Difesa ON AIR (Defense Online Facebook and YouTube channels) together with:

- Gianpiero Spinelli (former paratrooper of the thunderbolt and US defense contractor in high-risk areas)

Tiziano Ciocchetti (Head of Online Defense "Military World" area)

Participate, as always, with your questions!

Photo: web