New edition of the "Seafuture Awards 2020" award for graduates, PhD students and PhDs

(To Seafuture)

Seafuture 2020, the international review dedicated to the economy of the sea and to innovations in the maritime-naval civil and military fields, to be held in La Spezia from 23 to 27 June 2020, presents the new edition of the "Seafuture Awards 2020" addressed to graduates, PhD students and PhDs from the Italian academic world, both civil and military, which they developed experimental, master's or doctoral theses, related to the development of processes and products in the field of marine technologies.

In particular, the prize aims to enhance the experimental theses developed in industries or laboratories of University Departments or Research Centers, which investigate projects and technologies of the sea that can be used in different sectors (Dual Use), which use innovative materials, which include refitting activities, which make use of IoT technologies, which concern robotics, which have a low environmental impact.

Interested parties can submit their own application by May 4, 2020 on the dedicated platform on the site and a Scientific Committee, composed of representatives of the organizing partners of Seafuture 2020, will select the seven elaborate finalists which will be proclaimed during a public ceremony to be held within Seafuture Friday June 26 2020. The seven finalists will have the opportunity to present their theses in a special exhibition area and to participate in B2B, seminars and conferences as part of the event.

An jury composed of representatives of companies exhibiting at Seafuture will select the three winning theses which will be assessed on the feasibility, usefulness and relevance of the in-depth project. To the first place a voucher will be awarded for the participation in an advanced training course on the different aspects of the Blue Economy at the Bluegrowth Summer School organized by the University of Ghent in Belgium, in September. For the second and third place, the winners will have the choice between a training at an important company in the sector of reference of the thesis or a technology award.

"The sea is the blue gold of our century and without a doubt the Blue Economy can and must become one of the driving levers of the Italian economy - commented Cristiana Pagni, President of IBG, organizing company of Seafuture 2020 - However, such an articulated and peculiar industrial sector as the one linked to the sea needs specific and cutting-edge skills and investments in research and advanced technologies that can only be generated by a work of synergy between industry, universities, specialized centers and the world. of research, and which must certainly have as its basis knowledge and knowledge that must be developed starting from school. For this reason, we also wanted to devote particular attention to the world of training and research with the Seafuture Awards in this edition of Seafuture. We are in fact convinced that the sea industry represents a flagship of our country in terms of technological research, excellence and propensity for innovation and that for this it is necessary to enhance all those training courses that allow you to study and experience the sea. in its various forms: environmental, productive, technological and industrial, in the certainty that the Blue Economy can increasingly become a competitive advantage for the whole country system. "

The announcement to participate in the "Seafuture Awards 2020" is available on the Seafuture website at the following link: