Council of Ministers, 22 March will be a memorial day for the Information Security Services

(To Massimiliano D'Elia)

The 22 March will be the day of memory of the fallen of information services, so it was learned from a note at the end of the Council of Ministers, where a favorable opinion was expressed on the introduction of a "Memorial Day" for these silent servants of the State.

As happened with the institution of November 12 as a day to commemorate the military and civilian Fallen of the international missions for peace, March 22 also represents the recognition of the country for those who have honored the name of Italy and our tricolor in Worldwide. Our "007", the operators of the Information System for the Security of the Republic, are servants of the State who silently and relentlessly have the task of ensuring information activities for security, in order to safeguard the Republic from any danger and threats from both inside and outside the country.

The information system for the security of the Republic is thus composed of:

  • President of the Council of Ministers
  • Delegated authority
  • Interministerial Committee for the Security of the Republic (CISR)
  • Department of Security Information (DIS)
  • Information Agency and External Security (AISE)
  • Information and internal security agency (AISI)

But what makes such a structure dependent on the Head of Government?

Source Institutional Site:

"The activities of the Information System for the security of the Republic are normally identified with intelligence, a term now commonly used but not always known in all its complexity. From a technical point of view, intelligence is the tool that the State uses to collect, store and disseminate to interested parties - whether public or private - the information relevant to the protection of the safety of institutions, citizens and businesses. This fundamental and essential role is assigned to the Information System for the security of the Republic which, for this purpose, makes use of professionalism, coming from various fields, who act according to specific procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of operators and their activities. Many actors in the field interacting: the two intelligence agencies - AISE and AISI - with their operatives, the Department of Information for Security (DIS) with its analysts and experts in the various sectors, the various police forces called to collaborate in the entire operation, each according to their role and responsibilities. History, of course, never happened, nor are the references to facts, people, places, situations real. Some of these events, however, may one day occur in a not entirely dissimilar. And in this case, you will know better what the intelligence department really does. In addition to this, among the activities of the System, institutional collaboration with the armed and police forces, other state administrations and public and private research bodies should be mentioned; relations with the judicial authorities; controls by Parliament, the Court of Auditors and administrative bodies; the protection of state secrets and classified information." (see video)

Ultimately it is correct, socially ethical to one day recognize the memory of those who have fallen into service in anonymity. It is right for their families to know that the state exists and that the Italians will pay tribute to their loved ones 22 March every year, only in this way will they not fall into oblivion and remembering them will mean publicly recognizing their service to the country. Thanks to those of you who continue, in silence, to work for the safety of our country and it is only for what you do that we all feel safer in the cities and we will never stop thinking about you, the police forces, the forces. armed forces, to militarily organized corps, in short to all security operators who in the end pursue the same goal of peace and the proseprity of their own country. The 12 November and the 22 March will be two days in which we will remember you with pride!

(photos and references: Institutional Site Information System for the security of the Republic)