It is time for unity for national salvation ... But watch out for liars.
In the end, we learn from the Chinese sages of Tuscany, not from the lying liars of Beijing. In these hours, the epidemic seems to spread in Northern Italy, that of healthcare ...
Erdoğan discovers hot water: the European Union has no authority
Turkish President Erdoğan does not mince words, the EU does not have the authority to impose a ceasefire in Libya. Openly sided with Prime Minister al-Sarraj, Ankara ...
A new European naval mission to stop arms trafficking to Libya
The EU Member States have found a meeting point for a new naval mission in the southern Mediterranean. So, in the meeting of the heads of state and government of ...
Foibe: Kill the Italians!
It seems absurd, but an entire generation of Italians has remained unaware of the crimes perpetrated by the Titian partisans against the ethnic Italian population, which ...
Libya scandal: the Italian military used as human shields?
Italian citizens still finance - unsuspecting - an unnecessary "peace" mission in a "war" theater which translates into 300 "human shields" displayed in the turkish enclave of ...
China is (too) close. What the government says and (above all) does not say
Dr. Giuseppe Conte, thank you for closing the airspace to flights from China. Too bad that most of the Chinese arrive in Italy through Frankfurt, Paris ...
Another Berlin conference was needed to mark the end of the ius publicum europaeum
The recent Berlin conference, centered on the Libyan issue, has once again highlighted yet another attempt (failed) by the European Union to regain a ...
Libya: we are the problem
Faced with the failure of any political and diplomatic initiative put in place by all Italian governments in recent years, we will not discover hot water with analyzes that are now banal ...

Libya: ostriches are dangerous on the Russian-Turkish chessboard
In Libya the so-called "international community" has failed (not new). Above all he has failed and continues to ...
Italy and the Libyan crisis: Di Maio returns without "selfie"
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifest (excuse not requested, accusation manifest) recites a well-known proverb of origin ...
To lose the flag company is to do the opposite of the national interest. While politics is silent, we give the word to readers
Someone has written that a national airline, whether public or private, is an embassy with ...
Libya, Haftar attacks: "now zero"! (also for the cazzari)
The commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA), the army of the government that controls the 90% of Libya, gave yesterday the ...
France honors its fallen, despite the vulgar satire
The 25 November us died in northern Mali, following a collision in flight between a helicopter from ...
Dog's life? But maybe! The history of the Trentine schnauzer teaches more than the scandal of his apartment
Ulisse Grant, the winner of the Earth Campaign and the third battle of Petersburg, the general in whose hands ...
Guerini and the "culture of defense": end of the beginning or beginning of the end?
For almost two months we have enjoyed its low profile: no daily shoots to seek popularity (or ...
Five names to protect
The attack in Iraq on our special forces highlighted the Italian media fragility: they were disclosed ...
Thirty years without the Wall
The 9 November of the 1989 fell the Berlin Wall and with it the communist regimes of Eastern Europe. At that date the ...
The unbearable lightness of Defense
In the beginning was the very deprecated twenty years, which lost the war. And then it was the Italian Republic, which repudiated it, the ...
President Conte !!! Resume the 5 rifles ...
Our readers will surely remember the externalization of a few months ago (during the first Conte Government) of ...
Erdogan: unprejudiced genius or mad adventurer? In any case it should be feared
The best comment on the meeting between the Turkish ambassador and our young foreign minister, Luigi Di Maio, ...
