As we anticipated, the Indian Supreme Court postponed its decision to February 18. Another week of evaluations to determine whether to apply your act against Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone by declassifying the crime from murder to act of violence at sea.
This was confirmed by the Attorney General EG Vahanvati specifying that in the intentions of the government his act should be applied without a specific request for the death penalty, which, however, is not actually excluded.
Through the press agencies we are informed that the defense lawyer Mukul Roahtgi has decisively rejected the PM's position and that Judge Chauhun said: "I understand that in the face of this situation it is I who must decide", suggesting that Delhi he discharged all strict liability on the court, while through the Attorney General he continues to accuse two Italian soldiers of terrorism, while showing generosity having mitigated the nature of the possible penalty. However, he did not give up on continuing to propose the Italian Armed Forces to the world as a hotbed of possible terrorists ready to strike.
It is clear that the Indians are unable to produce valid evidence and that the Supreme Court, the Attorney General and the Government are trying to somehow justify the delay of 24 months in the investigation. An unacceptable fact for a judicial system based on the Anglo-Saxon model and which makes them ridiculous in the eyes of the world.
An abnormal situation that today has had its 26 ° epilogue and that for a couple of weeks has pushed Italian political and institutional personalities before to enter the proclamations, almost as if they wanted to intimidate India, which instead continues on its way without hesitations.
The Foreign Minister screams his indignation but remains at the Farnesina preferring to delegate the Government Commissioner to represent Italy in such a difficult moment. At the same time it accepts that Italy is pointed out as a country of terrorists when two of its soldiers are judged by a third state applying an anti-terrorism law.
In recent days, the Representative of the Farnesina, deafened us with high-sounding proclamations such as: "Some anticipations that come from New Delhi today on the judicial procedure of our Navy riflemen leave me dumbfounded and indignant", "disconcerting and inadmissible reference to the anti-piracy law "," the government finds the reference (to the Indian anti-piracy law, editor's note) as disconcerting and will forcefully and firmly establish in every possible forum the absolute and inadmissible incongruity of this approach, even with respect to the indications at the time provided by the same Indian Supreme Court ".
An indignant Bonino who shouts "no" to the law on terrorism even without the death penalty (ANSA February 8). "The possible application of the SUA (Act, the Indian anti-terrorism law, even in the part that does not oblige to ask for the death sentence, ed) as a basis of indictment for the two maro ', where it should be confirmed" - continues the head of Italian Diplomacy - "will be challenged in the courtroom by the Italian defense in the most firm manner". "The Government considers this reference disconcerting and will assert with force and determination in all possible places the absolute and inadmissible inconsistency of this approach, even with respect to the indications provided at the time by the Indian Supreme Court itself".
Perhaps with such determined determination a few hours before today's decision by the Indian Supreme Court, it intended to send a specific message to the Indian court but was unsuccessful. The prosecution has confirmed its purpose and Minister Bonino, at least for now, has returned to silence because he is probably committed to weaving another "Secret Diplomacy" action.
Even Staffan de Mistura, before today's decisions, repeatedly declared "Your Act is a red line for us and we reject it", but to today's request, now formalized by the Indian PM, he does not seem to react.
From today India has indicated Italy, a member country of the European Union, as a terrorist state and Barroso, Van Rompuy and Lady Ashton say nothing. A grave silence because as Gianni Pittella, deputy vice president of the European Parliament and Pd exponent reminds us, referring to the upcoming Italian presidency of the EU, he underlined "This also means that soon the presidency of the European Union will be in the hands of a terrorist state" .
The postponement arrives from Delhi. President Letta da Roma repeats “we will react” but forgets to tell us how. The Premier also commented on twitter "The indictment proposed by the Indian authorities against Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone is unacceptable". But nothing changes compared to the past: he continues to rely on de Mistura who merely reminds us "We have strongly re-proposed the request that the marines return to Italy", awaiting a solution on the process.
A solitary but concrete voice, that of the honorable Cirielli who with his usual incisive determination peremptorily affirmed that India is outside international legality and is also a demonstration of this "The blocking by the Indian Consulate of the visa to the MEP of Brothers of Italy, Carlo Fidanza, who intended to go to New Delhi to meet our two maro ', Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone. ”He adds, Italy made a fool of the world, but India with its arrogant behavior he is doing everything to do worse.We now await the consequent diplomatic steps by the Government.
Proclamations in real time or dated a few days but always words that reflect the anxiety of an executive and a parliament until now careless and that now instead is forced to appropriate even if they are not cooperatives kidnapped by the "vile enemy" "Or journalists who went in search of a scoop.
They are only two professional military Italian citizens whom India has branded as terrorists, guilty, instead, of being only custodians of democratic traditions and of a military ethic unknown to the country of the Maharajas, as demonstrated by the many and repeated undignified episodes in which involves Indian military around the world.
Repetitive words that say nothing new as stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bonino to the microphones of RAI, "all the options are on the table", Italy has "several aces up its sleeve". What they are not said to know.
Another proclamation launched into thin air, while the Minister of Defense Mauro just arrived in India is rushing back to Italy, perhaps because he is interested in an imminent government reshuffle and the Machiavellian de Mistura remains in India, it is not clear what to do since so far the 'only success achieved are 26 postponements.
India is proving to know how to play cards wisely and Italy continues to suffer the consequences after that on March 22, 2013 it handed over two Italian soldiers to the undue judgment of Delhi and that a few months later Italian institutional sources spoke of an imminent solution governed by "rules of engagement shared with India".
Probably one of the axes of Bonino is the sharing of a sentence that excludes the death penalty and allows the two Navy Riflemen to return to Italy under the bilateral agreement of August 2012 on the management of convicts in their respective countries.
Absurd or even wicked pacts if they were confirmed. If returning with honor as also recently stated by the President of the Republic, it means accepting guilt while putting an end to the story characterized by details that if investigated could annoy someone, the word "honor" does not belong to us.
Massimiliano and Salvatore must be granted the honor they deserve as soldiers, a personal heritage that few have and of which the two Navy Fusiliers must be proud. They cannot be mistaken in the same way as what happens for common criminals and the State must take responsibility for this. On the other hand, it is not acceptable that their integrity is more or less sanctioned by India which in 24 months has wisely managed a perverse game of goose by changing the rules in the course of work, to get to define our terrorist military.
It is not possible to accept further offenses, those who have managed the story so far are proving that having renounced the international arbitration was a very serious error on the temporal and objective level and not to admit the mistake continues to travel a dangerous road and not dignified for our country!
Nobody listened to the voice of Ambassador Giulio Terzi, first of all to request without interruption for at least 1 year the activation of an international arbitration at the UN. The one who as Foreign Minister of the then Monti government resigned from his prestigious post after refusing to sign the order for the two marines to return to India, specifying that "there are values that are not negotiable", Terzi himself who on several occasions subsequently denounced the "mercantile" and commercial reasons behind the illegitimate and wicked decision to send the marines back to India without opening a formal dispute with New Delhi.
I believe, indeed I hope that the time has come for Premier Letta not to limit himself only to "horrifying" but to carry out the acts that belong to him by replacing those who since March 2013 have continued to deceive the Italians, the families of soldiers on a mission to abroad and the relatives of Massimiliano and Salvatore, of those who at an institutional level ignored the fate of the two soldiers perhaps because they were allergic to the smell and shape of military uniforms.
In this regard, I would like to remind you, Mr Letta, that your Foreign Minister did not even pay a flash visit to our two boys, if only to realize for himself what was really happening, because he was committed to chasing (the only one in Europe) elected Iranian minister, to deal perhaps even in a risky way with Assad's chemical weapons or, again, to study and then appreciate the provision of the parliament of Montevideo, which gives the state the ability to produce and sell cannabis.
President Letta, perhaps it is time to remodel the whole, perhaps even disregarding possible suggestions from his predecessor.
Fernando Termentini