Islamic terrorism. The hypocritical indignation of the West

(To Giampiero Venturi)

Barcelona is the number one stage of a journey over more than a decade. Usual music, usually chorus. In a few days it will be over and we will be ready for the next show.

There are two aspects on which we make melina, laying the foundation for never solving anything:

- 1. hostages of the politically correct, we avoid calling things by their name. Terrorism that strikes innocent people around the world is Islamic and is the result of a macroscopic gap in terms of law and civilization. Denying it is hypocrisy;

- 2. the Islamic State claiming the massacres we have created for us, Westerners, or rather that overwhelming component of civilian power that responds to precise geopolitical and strategic goals. This second aspect must be grasped with transparency and clarity, avoiding as far as possible common places.

The Islamic State is the result of a precise design, born with the end of Sunni power in Iraq (Iraqi Freedom of the 2003). The need to create a political and military platform that counteract a Shiite structural expansion in the Middle East (essentially Iran, Hezbollah, Syrian Syrian and Shiite Iraqis) has, however, turned into an out of control nightmare, thousands of innocents not only Western to pay the consequences with life.

Why indignate then? Many European governments and at least the last three US administrations have created the conditions for this to happen, with the Gulf and Israel petromonarchies. If, even today, Isis is politically and militarily resisted by showing war and organizational capabilities in the world, then it is not so difficult to imagine obscure hands working contrary to the official statements of governments and institutions. We have already talked a lot about these pages. Repeating does not work.

Cautious of pragmatic reflection, beyond sympathies and prejudices, could come from a focus on a given: the West today points to its finger and applies sanctions to the three only militantly committed full-time nations against the Islamic State and more generally against there Jihad Sunni international: Syria, Iran and Russia. Before continuing with the angry indignation stubborns, we could start with this curiosity and reason. After all, we have nothing to lose.

Our stories tell of generic terrorism and impersonal Islamism but do not daily ignore the efforts of thousands of men who in Syria fight specifically to tear ground and opportunity for Islamic radicalism. We continue to tell us partial and comfortable truths without leaving the circle that we ourselves have created.

The real (real) enemies we have built out of and into a hollow house between necessities and strain strategies, only we can destroy them. We rode a delay of real civilization (the Islamic world) to fuel interests, only partially responding to the needs of the deep West. We put Putin and Bashar al Assad in the corner but we accept death at home beyond the masochism's limit. We fight for human rights and allow scenarios like Libyan.

Continuing to do so, in a climate of ruthless ablution and cheap cheerfulness, we should at least have the courage to accept the price to pay without any alarms or alarms. The decency of media silence might soothe the effects of enormous contradictions.

Geopolitics and strategy should follow a practical handbook, but most of all, Europe seems increasingly victim of voluntary hypnosis. Without change gears, in such a black future it is difficult to see light.

(photo: web)