Syria: The Most Vile Betrayal

(To Andrea Cucco)

Do you see this photo? It is from 2015. Behind me, there are the faces of some of the tens of thousands of soldiers and volunteers who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland. Syria was covered in them. A sacrifice that is lost in the sea of ​​blood spilled since 2011, with over half a million dead and millions wounded and maimed. And yet, in this image and story steeped in pain and sacrifice, there is an impostor...

After 13 years of massacres, the fall of the regime might even seem inevitable. But there is nothing inevitable about a betrayal. There is nothing justifiable in an army that retreats without firing a shot, letting every meter reconquered with blood and tears fall like a house of cards.

Every hill, every village had been taken from terrorists and fanatics supported by states and sultans who, if they had really wanted, could have eliminated the “dictator” in an instant. But that was not their goal.

Men and women, fathers, sons, husbands, soldiers by profession, conscription or pure love for their country, they gave everything. They died for an idea, for a dream. The survivors bear scars that will never heal, neither in body nor in soul. And today, what remains of all this? A slap in the face to their memory, a betrayal that burns more than the bombs.

There is no regret in sacrificing oneself for something as sacred as one's homeland. But there is an unbearable pain in seeing - who represents that homeland - dishonor every sacrifice with an act of cowardice.

Assad, the president for whom a people suffered and fought until yesterday, He had only one duty: to redeem 13 years of martyrdom, dying as a man, in Damascus, as a symbol of resistance and coherence..

Instead, he fled... Like any Badoglio, he chose the most cowardly path, stabbing Syria in the back.

Erdogan, Putin, Netanyahu: none of them have managed to inflict a wound as deep as the one inflicted by Assad himself. A betrayal that can never be forgiven!

Photo: Defense Online