In 2022, in the midst of the Biden administration, after more than a decade of promises and solemn commitments for 2024, Italy postponed the 2028% GDP defense target to 2.
It was during the first Trump administration that Italy, along with other NATO members, was put under pressure to drastically increase its military spending. The US president was not inclined to compromise: in his characteristic direct style, he repeatedly declared that the United States would no longer carry the burden of European defense on its shoulders without a tangible commitment from allied countries.
Can we really believe that Trump, returning to the White House in January, will not ask for updates? Good old Donald, with his unfiltered "dialectic", seems to have a very long memory for this type of matter. After having declared for years that Europe must do more for its own defense, it wouldn't surprise anyone if he returned to the subject, mocking yet another Italian backtracking.
The 2% for defense is now more than a number: it is a question of coherence, of international credibility and, ultimately, also of survival of that limited political autonomy that in 81 years we have involuntarily regained. While other countries (see Poland and the United Kingdom) already spend or will soon spend figures above 2,5%, we, at the moment, do not even touch 2% (1,58%?).
In short, who will tell Trump? Because one thing is certain: sooner or later someone will have to do it and it is easy to imagine that his reaction will be anything but "diplomatic". Therefore, mitigating circumstances of the type will not be allowed. "NATO's largest contributors in terms of men on missions...".
If the war spreads further - and a locomotive in motion and without brakes can perhaps change track but not stop suddenly - the bullshit of the White House tenant will be the last thing on their minds when it comes to dealing with their own soldiers, their families and... their beloved fellow citizens.
With a war horizon, the vile money it is only one of the aspects of our "inadequacy"! And on the others the concrete commitment - starting from the cultural one (different from the "propaganda" one) - seems even less...