The horizon of the Italian volunteers: the destiny of a nation


Dear Director, I am the parent of a soldier who risks after 9 years of staying out of any military or civilian working environment. In fact I would like to talk about the VFP4 2010, which UNIQUE AND FIRST, seriously risk the entry into the role, given that in the relevant competitions, both in the 2014 (ordinary) and in the subsequent 2015 (first extraordinary), only the 40% of they will have this chance. Moreover, and this is the absurdity, practically all their predecessors but also their correspondents of the same year of Navy and Aeronautics will be placed in the role and therefore in permanent service. All this, I repeat after AT LEAST 9 / 10 years of service and an age that does not allow any other insertion in the armed forces or order, but also in civil employment where their curriculum should be composed of one word "SOLDIER" ". I ask you if you have dealt with this problem, considering the delicate position of these soldiers, their fears and their frustrating institutional silence. Can we and you do something for them, or abandon them to their destiny?

Letter signed


Dear director, I am the parent of a vfp4 army 2nd entry which at the end of 2018, given the current situation, will be discharged.
I realize that the problem is known, but I turn to you, to try to mediate with the military leadership, otherwise impossible to reach.
Despite the verbal promises of Minister Pinotti and Gen. Graziano, to date only for a very small 1/3 there will be the guarantee of the permanent service, and this despite the first 2 entries of which one ordinary and the other extraordinary (QUEST 'LAST OF JUST 97 PLACES).
Furthermore, in addition to the fact that this situation concerns, as you well know, only and only the army, you currently see the very slow and exasperating insolvency procedures.
I therefore ask you at least to know the intentions of the Army with regard to these VFP4 now close to discharge, given that access to this information seems TOP SECRET and let alone for these now men, who after at least 8/9 years live in anguish to be abandoned and without any protection or true effective representation. IN BUT LATEST.
The hope of a placement in the public or even worse private sphere is also illusory, having no competence and experience useful in both fields.

Thank you sincerely.

Letter signed


Dear readers, here you only publish some of the many letters on the subject that are sent to Online Defense.

In the wake of the many - perhaps too many - reports, during our interview with the Chief of Defense Staff, General Graziano, we did not forget to point out the question ( The response was all in all diplomatic and convincing but essentially powerless. In the sense that, in times of chronic policies of shrinking staff, it is difficult to realistically absorb all the volunteers. With this, of course, I do not want to share these strategies. Countries like Germany are reversing the march and increasing the strength of the armed forces (v.articolo). However, this presupposes financial resources and a promising general economy. The author of the first letter is right to underline that the son's curriculum will be summarized in the single term "soldier". However, remember that in "civilized" countries, such as the United States, this qualification enhances characteristics such as "seriousness", "preparation" and above all "reliability". Not a small curriculum then. Somewhere else...

I remember how, up until a few decades ago, the Public Administration represented a huge basin to reduce unemployment, to keep electoral promises and to settle friends. Companions and comrades included.

The result? It is that Italy is a country so indebted to be substantially bankrupt. And it's not a recent data (v.articolo).

But let's get back to the point. The latest data published by Iran (the Public Employment Agency) indicate that under 30 in the Public Administration are less than 3%. Precisely an almost insignificant 2,7% !!! This is as shocking as it is eloquent.

The prospects?

We try to instill optimism with annual 1% GDP growth while the rest of the world - "the rest of the world!" - proceeds at a triple rate (more). I don't want to improvise as an "economist", but, if I can do the calculation (3-1 = 2), it means that (also) in the current year we will lose 2% on the average of the other countries.

We see looting or destroying commercial resources or privileged relations (we were the first European partners of countries like Libya and Syria ...) and we can not help but watch. In one case we make ourselves blatantly for the bottoms, in the other we are masochistically accomplices.

We need a more drastic and enlightened change than we fear. The alternative is more agony.

In the editorial office someone said, commenting on certain political statements, "it seems the Orchestra del Titanic". I disagree: those were heroes. At the last moment, ours maximi lider they will most likely be taken from a helicopter or, better, from a small convertiplano ...

Andrea Cucco

(photo: US Army)