Just three weeks after the breaking of the agreement with KNDS (born from the merger between the German Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and the French Nexter), i.e. the largest European tank manufacturing company, Leonardo has signed a contract with Rheinmetallhemorandum of uUnderstanding to create one j which will develop and market a new Main Battle Tank (MBT) and platform Lynx for the AICS program of the Italian Army. We will not deal with the latter today because it has been widely described in the past (especially when certain companies "patriotically" wanted the much less protected CV90... - read article Garibaldi would have said: "Here you make the best means or you die!").
The joint company, based in Italy, "will be the Lead System Integrator, prime-contractor and system integrator, in both the Italian MBT and AICS programs and will also define the roadmap for participation in the future European Main Ground Combat System (MGCS). "
In simple terms will lead and coordinate the entire project, being primarily responsible for its implementation, ensuring that all components and systems work together effectively.
What has changed?
Definitely the German approach: if previously the final word on decisions was reserved for KNDS, now the "design authority" appears joint.
What needs to change instead?
1) First of all ithe tank in question. Ecosystem's staff is Leopard 2A8, until the last edition of Eurosatory, represented one of the best means available. At the 2024 edition of main international fair dedicated to defense and land security, both KNDS and Rheinmetall presented versions of their tanks with self-loading turrets and unmanned (unmanned).
An amazing news? Far from it: a decade after the presentation of the T-14 Armata Russian, an attempt is being made to preserve the lives of the crews by following the example of those who seem - after years of war in Ukraine - to be able to withstand high losses in human lives.
So when you read about the acquisition of "panther", we hope that the “U” version is implied (KF-51-U: "Unmanned" - opening photo and below).
2) Categoricalmind the approach "de noantri": to once again praise the "Italianisation" of a tank by boasting of "excellence", when we have historically demonstrated that we have never been able to create a valid and competitive tank, is dangerous. Leonardo is at the top in many fields, such as helicopters, and is able to design and produce many quality components. He is not tempted to impose drops of oil in a glass of milk. It's unhealthy.
Given the "Apulian" origins of Leonardo's CEO, Roberto Cingolani, who missed the "Leopard”, will he be tempted by a “Panth(z)erotto”?
Being a wise manager, we trust not for several reasons... With a winning bandwagon it is necessary to conquer a large slice of a rich global market and to innovate by presenting itself (with full rights) in the MGCS program (Main Ground Combat System - Franco initiative -German to replace i Leopard 2 and of Leclerc by 2035).
Rheinmetall has cutting-edge vehicles on its list but is without a launch customer of the caliber of Italy. The Alliance is and will be useful to both industrial players.
Finally, there is a detail, secondary but important for end users: the creation of that "Terrestrial Pole" that our Army has always dreamed of!
3) The time: with an imminent world war and - for those who travel or don't just read the horoscope page - now certain, hearing about "urgent programs" to be completed in 13-15 years is embarrassing and short-sighted. In just 4 years it could (should) be finished and, if on the one hand we can think of an overall short duration, on the other we should reflect on its consequent intensity. And today, in too many ways, our soldiers and fellow citizens present themselves at a new "dramatic appointment" in canvas breeches, little free information and lots and lots of rhetoric.
There is now little to smile about and a lot to do
We need political, corporate and military leaders to unpack their swimsuit and resign themselves: we have to act, immediately and quickly... we have already wasted years since the alarm rang!
We know well that - belatedly - we will also work at night and 24 hours a day. We also know well that, in those moments, we will bitterly regret every second wasted TODAY.
Photo: Defense Online