Russian interference in Italian elections: meco o stica?

(To Andrea Cucco)

A media case has been mounting since the "Responding to Russia's Attacks on Democracy" report was presented to the US Senate by Ben Cardin, vice chairman of the foreign affairs committee.

In the document - among many - an alarm is launched because "Italy could be a target for the Kremlin's electoral interference, which will probably try to promote the parties that are against the renewal of European sanctions to Russia". In support of the US thesis, not a few newspapers and television news are pointing out that political positions in favor of the “Syrian regime of dictator Assad” or against NATO or the Eurozone are a potential symptom of interference by Putin. Lega and 5 Stelle would be accused of having "contacts" with Russia and, the former, of being the recipient of funds. Moscow has (obviously) rejected the accusations, the political movements concerned as well.

And at this point we come to the title.

"Meco" in Roman slang is the contraction of a popular term used to indicate wonder and that we could translate with "accipicchia!", "Arbutus!" Or "wow!".

The category of fellow citizens who can exclaim the aforementioned term may belong to:

  • those who did not see any scandal when - at the time of the young Putin - suitcases full of dollars crossed the border of the Soviet Union to finance (at least!) the exit from NATO. But on this point I do not want to indulge, a little 'for the guts that are writhing at the thought, a little' because many of these patriots still occupy institutional positions, perhaps at the foot of a tricolor flag ... Of course, as many came from overseas !;

  • those who believe that, in strategic countries for Italy, there is no support for political factions on our part. Unfortunately they happen and, as good Italians, we do it in a clumsy, wrong and short-sighted way. Let's just think of our support for Al Serraj in Libya ..., an invented politician imposed on a population that - at best - does not recognize him, at worst shoots him !;

  • those that at the last Afghan elections did not break down due to the clamorous manipulation of the popular will (v.articolo). A betrayed suffrage for whose correctness many compatriots have lost their lives. On the other hand, the politicians have been watching, and those visiting are still working, in salamelecchi, for the "democratic path taken by Afghanistan";

  • those who think that support the legitimate Syrian government is deplorable. Probably the inhuman or (yes!) Subhuman killers who have tormented Syria for years are still "democratic heroes" for them ... If we had been a vaguely civilized country or at least "Christian" we should have helped the Syrians to exterminate certain scum! Today we accuse Russia of doing what even the Swiss Guards should have done: ending a massacre. And do we accuse of being in the pay of the Russians who, even if only politically, did not want to turn elsewhere "supporting a regime"? What courage !!!

Then there is the "stica", another contraction of another even more popular term that means disinterestedness and that we could translate with "what does it matter?" Or "I do not care!".

To this category belong:

  • those who wonder how a country that has a GDP that is one-tenth of the US to affect in a very profound, widespread and effective, even on the election of the United States!

  • those who, on the contrary, find it normal that a country can - indeed "must" - favor friendly positions;

  • those who hope well that Italy will help the political parties favorable to our country in Russia and not the adverse ones (knowing our chickens, would not be too surprising!);

  • those who after many lies daily given as if they were deficients, simply can not anymore;

  • those who, even "holding their nose", can no longer find someone to trust and, consequently, their vote.

(photo: Quirinale)