When the European powers divided Africa with the Berlin Conference in 1884, there were two assumptions: the Old Continent was the barycentre of the world; so that everything remains so, every means should be considered legitimate.
We talk about the world declined according to Queen Victoria, made of rules and values today certainly out of place, but prevailing for decades. Yet it took only a century for that system of principles to vanish. In little more than 100 years the balance between powers that generated a Eurocentric world has been reduced to a round table of eunuch countries, the cradle of a thought so weak that it is not good even to cry on.
If the Europe of imperialist colonialism stood on axioms that are today inadmissible, it is at least curious that the legacy of that world is resolved entirely in the European Union, on the family card of peoples, in reality a soft set of zombies that do not recognize each other but they are held together by financial mafias and political castes.
What happened to us?
The answer is up to historians. We are responsible for the analysis of what we see for geopolitical ideas.
Let's start with Belgium, one of the many front-page cases and an excellent synthesis to understand how things are going in Europe.
The land of French fries and Trappist beer in just over a century has gone from the "personal colonialism" of Leopold II to the secularization of the Christian feasts of Easter, Christmas and All Saints. From the cradle of reactionary Catholicism and Rexism it has become the nation of child euthanasia (permitted by law), first in the continent ranking even in the special suicide classification.
The homeland of Goffredo di Buglione (in the opening image), which today welcomes the virtual capital of the new Europe and the headquarters of NATO, is the first country for export of Islamist militiamen, the result of that multicultural reservoir so dear to enlightened minds of the continent. There are ghetto areas in Brussels like the now infamous Mollenbeek, where being white and Christian is a serious limit. We are less than 3 km from the Grand Place, the heart of the heart of Europe ...
We are not talking about exceptions but of irreversible realities in many theoretically solid centers of European culture: from Oslo to Copenhagen, from Paris to Cologne, from London to Amsterdam ...
All this is not accidental but the result of a virus of conscience once called masochism, but which today is explained by that good sociology to understand the collective psychodramas.
The problem of modern Europeans is in fact essentially psychological, probable inheritance of excessive opulence enjoyed by generations who have not helped to build it.
Those who came of age after World War II today passed the 90 years. There are hardly any more direct witnesses of "difficult times" and the current ruling class draws heavily on those born in the 1950-1965 range, an educating generation in the times of the eschimo and the "anti" culture.
We Europeans under the 70 years are essentially natural carriers of generational impotence become a rejection of every identity, especially that linked to the past, considered somehow guilty because of our lack of appetite. In other words, we behave like the scion cuckoo of a noble family, accustomed to the heritage of his grandfather without having sweated, but so stunned as to be able to destroy it.
The slippery evanescence of an increasingly weak and uniform thought finds its maximum expression, not by chance, in "Terzomondism by hearsay": having a good dose of ignorance in History and Geography we allow ourselves to consider better all that is alien or exotic and if possible also to promote it to our victim, so as to increase the guilt effect.
In this way the European civilization ends up canceling itself in a race to overthrow all status, generating continuous overturning, far beyond the limits of logic.
The cases of madness from which to draw ideas are endless: we mobilize for an abandoned dog but we finance the trafficking of human fetuses; we sell weapons to Saudi Arabia but we abolish toy soldiers from our toys; we remove the crucifixes from the schools but we allow the stoning to exist ...
We discount non-existent faults as a sort of redemption of a bored, frightened conscience, no longer in control of its own references. We are far from any symmetry of respect but we continue to pretend to be tolerant. We accept to be rejected as "disbelievers" in front of a mosque but we fill pages with a dull multiculturalism, at least as emetic as the hypocrisy that lies behind us. We are so obsessed with respect for others that we forget that we too are "others" when the point of view changes.
What will be of Europe and of the values on which it has developed over the centuries?
Many say that tolerance is the pivot around which it has grown and by virtue of this we must do absolutely nothing to divert the cultural tsunami that is overwhelming us.
It is bizarre to think, however, that the indulgence applies to everyone, except for ourselves. But in the end it is not surprising: the contradiction is the essence of self-harm, badly incurable, of which we Europeans are unquestionably victims.