The prime minister Giorgia Meloni inaugurated the weekly column "Giorgia's notes". The initiative (with a slightly post... grillino) aims to tell the work that "we did during the week and maybe give some answers on the hottest and most interesting topics or on which there are more questions. Because - no problem - to answer on anything."
The premier concludes with a: "...I'll use the next episodes to answer many more questions that I'm sure will come".
Last month we witnessed the resolution of the Alessia Piperno case. Dutiful intervention in favor of a fellow citizen held by the Iranian theocratic regime (to her-we hope!-Earthly epilogue).
I therefore applaud the premier, trusting that another infamous abuse can soon be resolved: that committed by an absolute monarchy against fellow citizens Andrew Constantine. Victim of political retaliation he spent 15 months in prison and has been stuck in our UAE embassy for 6 months. Thanks to a direct intervention by the President of the Republic he is no longer bitten by rats in a filthy cell together with political prisoners. We are confident that, thanks to "someone else", the return to the homeland will soon take place.
The question for Georgia's notes and so: "Shall we bring fellow citizen Constantine (after almost two years) home?"
(See Defense ON AIR episode: "Is being Italian a sin?: appeal to President Giorgia Meloni")