Defense Online is always on the front line!

(To Venturi, Cucco, Iacch)

Founding principle of Online Defense it is telling what happens without constraints and without editorial ties. In addition to the volume of daily news and information regarding the world of defense, we deal with geopolitics and international politics based on field studies and reports. Where possible, we continue to tell in real time, through direct contacts, the dynamics of various crisis theaters, often partially covered by the media.

In the last two years it has been the case for Bosnia, Kosovo, Lebanon, the West Bank, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Mali, Nigeria, Cuba, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, Albania, the Belgium ... We carried out our services without institutional support, gaining experience on the spot. In particular we can proudly say that we were in Syria at one of the decisive moments of the war, before all the others.

The direct experiences allow us to keep in touch with local sources so as to feed a debate not distorted by the traditional communication chain. We can continue to monitor difficult landscapes without resorting to information from other newspapers, often anticipating their contents.

Now we are back in the Donbass, to tell what the mainstream media put in a corner or ignore completely. We write, film and photograph what we see. With the passion of "battle" analysts we try to filter the world according to points of view that are not always shared, but certainly independent.

We do everything thanks to self-financing, certain to provide a welcome service to thousands of you readers. Your suggestions, your criticisms and your appreciations are the push that helps us to grow. 

Still counting on your trust, we thank you all, one by one.

(photo: Giorgio Bianchi)