How a leader dies

(To Gino Lanzara)

Hagiographies are not suited to politicians; the saints are something else, given their exclusive relationship with a transcendent that is often hard to understand. After all, the saints are few for this reason, otherwise life would basically be heavenly boring and flat.

Shinzo Abe was a man; moreover, a man of superior caliber than normal, there can be no doubt about that. In an evolved and avant-garde country, with a deep and refined culture, he managed to give continuity to an unprecedented political action, in clear contrast to what was institutionalized after the war, with an alternation of heads of government close to the Italian one, but with a society and traditions that are completely different and far from the common Western feeling.

Many did not give credit to the incapacitating disease that officially removed him from the Japanese political scene; what is certain is that behind the scenes he has continued to give line and imprint to a determined, assertive action, no longer weak or niche.

A few weeks ago we wrote that Japan is back, now we can say that he was able to do so because he was lucky enough to have been accompanied by the hand of a shrewd and intelligent politician.

THEabenomics helped the country, Tokyo has resumed playing a role it hadn't had for some time. The importance of being great, the importance of being back in a country no longer annihilated.

Abe has treated as equals with the US and Russia, he has not shown awe, but an uncommon political intelligence. He had the courage to apologize to countries marked by imperialist enterprises which, of course, cannot confer honor on those who intend to bring civilization; he did it looking ahead, it is not for everyone. If you pass the boutade, it is a rarity that requires a secular and political sanctification as it refers to an unrepeatable political subject.

The question that arises, that the average Japanese is now asking, is: ...and now?

The political lines have been drawn, and they touch all the salient aspects of Japanese life: economy, society, defense with the proposal to revise a Constitution which, in the light of events, must necessarily be revised in order to guarantee stability and security.

What about who killed him? Nothing, at this moment any conjecture would be useless, empty, disrespectful.

In order to evaluate periods and people, historically time must pass, it is necessary to open and read archives. We will not go too far, we never did, but the death that touched Abe by taking him away, still requires respect, however you think of it.

There has been only one of Abe, and it cannot be otherwise; it must be hoped, for Japan, that the political idea that he has shaped will help the leaders to follow.

Photo: US DoD