General Preziosa has been acquitted: the "fact does not exist" and the Air Force stands out again. However ...

(To Andrea Cucco)

The euphemism used in the title is rigorous, in one of the most controversial and incredible events that an Armed Force, the Air Force, had to suffer due to a judicial proceeding in some phases became "Pirandello". 

With the reading of the verdict of not guilty "because the fact does not exist", by the president of the college Dr. Elisabetta Tizzani, a story that began about two years ago with wide coverage in the media ended on Monday 26 March: the former Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Air Force General Pasquale Preziosa, Air Division General Giampaolo Miniscalco and Colonel Antonio Di Lella were accused of the crime "continued to threaten a lower person to do something contrary to their duties"Yesterday, after well 7 hearings, their innocence was finally established and the pure truth emerges, overwhelmingly.

The story

A simple complaint / lawsuit, immediately, has become the eye of an ever larger cyclone that has damaged the image and reputation of the Italian Air Force. The victims: General Pasquale Preziosa, General Giampaolo Miniscalco and Colonel Di Lella and - probably - also General Carlo Magrassi entered this "deadly" spiral of poisons, in which General Pasquale Preziosa has always tried to protect the Armed Forces and his highest military representatives.   

The cyclone, which over time became force "5", was dismantled "piece by piece" by the defenders of the accused creating, perhaps, embarrassment in the public prosecutor's office at the Military Court of Rome because it emerged that it had directed the investigations in directions "very far" from the charge by drinking, paraphrasing what was stated by the lawyer De Vita, defender of gen. Precious, in poisoned wells.

Dozens of tests heard and entire files of documents collected in the records. At a certain point in the trial, everything was talked about except the main accusation, that is the "threat", with the "generalized" amazement of the present public and of those who listened to the recordings of the hearings broadcast on a delayed basis by Radio Radicale.

The entire Armed Force waited, from trial to trial, for the full audio of Radio Radicale to know the truth with their own ears. Numerous members of the Air Force testified their gratitude to the radio broadcaster that allowed them to experience all the various phases of the process up to the epic intervention of General Preziosa who, calmly and clearly, explained to "everyone" how it takes place the command action of the leader of an Armed Force. The general, in detail, listed all the actions taken, as required by the regulations. He also explained why he had to take some actions resulting from a proven lack of trust in his subordinates. The Military Court of Rome assessed the whole affair with admirable attention, studying the numerous documents filed and examining and comparing the statements of the witnesses. In the end he put a stone on a useless proceeding, which became "the case of the cases".

The correctness of General Preziosa's command was therefore recognized, based on those principles of ethics, competence and passion that have always distinguished him in every operation in leading the Armed Force. Stride with the large emphasis given by the press to the event when it was disclosed and if it was known, the substantial silence dedicated to the judgment of innocence now issued. Maybe because so much (as for other "cases") the result was brought home precluding the road to other tasks?

So was justice done? As for the cynical evaluation of the process and its outcomes certainly yes, but if you were to ask the same question to the defendants of this absurd affair most likely they would report that justice will be done only when those who have stood up will be affected the non-existent castle of accusations ... We await, now, to read the whole sentence when it will be published.

With this liberation from one of the ugliest pages of its long history, let's enjoy today the Feast of the Air Force which celebrates its 95th anniversary.

(in the image the text of the SMS between General Abbenante, head of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Rome (IMAS), and Major Buono, head of the secretariat of the Chief of Staff of the AOS, General Preziosa)