Phishing and Fake News, from your e-mail to governments: when the vulnerability is between keyboard and computer ...
You will have received at least once e-mails in which some figure, an official of an unspecified bank in a random country, asked you for a few thousand ...
European cyber security challenge: Italy second in the standings
Interview with Emilio Coppa, Giovanni Lagorio and Mario Polino, coaches of the Italian cyber defender team "TEAM ITALY" made up of students from the training course ...
APT 32 hack BMW and Hyundai?
A few days ago the news came that hackers would have hit BMW and Hyundai. The hackers would have infiltrated BMW's corporate network as early as this summer ...
Lockheed Martin: some updates on cyber risk analysis
(Sometimes they come back ...) A few months ago we stopped to analyze the cyber risks related to the F-35, this included an analysis of the network (obviously of what it is ...
The "shadow warriors" brigade
A few days ago the news about the constitution of the 127th Cyber ​​Battalion of the Indiana State Army National Guard. The new unit, based approximately 75 miles from ...
The development of the cyber capacity of the Army
The Army Study Center, a center of thought for the military terrestrial component 1, launches the first civil and military studies project in the field of cyber defense: "...
Today at the Milan-Rho SECURITY fair, see you at the "Cyber ​​Arena" in Hall 5, the exhibition, training and information area totally dedicated to Cyber ​​Security ...
Hacking the hackers! When to fall into the (cyber) canvas is the spider itself ...
In previous articles, cyber-space has often been represented as the far west in which classic western films are set, i.e. as a reality totally devoid of ...

29 October 1969: Arpanet is born, today's Internet
In 1958, US President DD Eisenhower creates the Advanced Research Project Agency, the agency of the ...
Italy: new technologies, training and governance of non-existent risk
Today the computer is in many cases "invisible" at least in the sense of an instrument necessarily constituted by a ...
Cyber ​​attack on Iran? The United States says ...
On October 16, Reuters comes out with a sensation article "Exclusive: US carried out secret cyber strike on Iran in ...
Domestic Security perimeter: companies focus on infrastructure and training
The recent decree law on the cyber security perimeter is the result of new reflections on the evolution of ...
HOW-TO: How to build your own "homemade" Firewall
A practical way to save and keep your data safe. In this period when the finances of the companies and ...
Cybertech 2019: many words and many good intentions. But the war has already been going on for years ...
In an important period for digital innovation and growth in Italy and throughout Europe, the Cybertech, as per ...
Stories and anecdotes of a computer pioneer
Not quia difficilia sunt non audemus, sed quia non audemus difficilia sunt. (It's not because things are difficult that ...
Cortana, what happens when "le" is asked to try out a mission to the limit?
Cortana, artificial intelligence from Microsoft with a name borrowed from a Halo videogame character ...
Biometric Authentication: where we are and what impacts
It's been 23 years since Peter Steiner published the infamous cartoon "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a ...
F-35: analysis on cyber risks of fifth-generation fighters
The following article is for purely informative, illustrative and study purposes. The "tests" performed in the article are not ...
Create an innovative cyber startup: the main opportunities in Italy
We can affirm with certainty that MSME (micro and small-medium enterprises) represent the "backbone" of ...
Protection from cyber-risks: at what point are they and what should cyber insurance cover
Interestingly, in a recent article in The Insurance Insider a world-class insurance broker (...
