Eugen Drewermann: Giordano Bruno

annEd. Rizzolepagg. 303 When I took the book from the library I did not realize that it was a novel, only later, reading the first pages, did I doubt it. I was looking for a biography to better understand the character and his time and get closer to his works, which is what I always do with the greats of history.

So, a bit deceived by the title, I knew about the author to understand how much the novel could be trustworthy, how much I could keep up for the novel and how much, then decide whether to go on reading or look for another biography .

Eugen Drewermann, the author, a former Catholic priest, removed from the church for his ideas ... What would have happened to him if he had lived in the 1500? He probably would have done the same end as Giordano Bruno. It is enough for me to understand that perhaps it is worthwhile to go on reading. Maybe it's not really a novel ... in fact the book is a mixture of thoughts and texts really written by Bruno and thoughts that could have been his.

Giordano Bruno was born in Nola with the name of Felipe (Filippo) in the 1548. A few years later, in the 1565 he joined the Dominican order and in the 1566 he took orders and his name became Giordano. Already immediately his doubts manifest themselves and in 1576, suspected of heresy, he escapes and begins his wandering life that will take him around Europe, to Venice, where he will be betrayed by the nobleman Zuane Mocenigo and imprisoned by the Holy Inquisition. in Rome he will be condemned to the stake and executed the February 17 of 1600 in Rome, in Campo dei Fiori. Giordano Bruno was a philosopher, and as such he sought the truth, he tried to understand and this condemned him. Only faith was required of him! Giordano Bruno knew the works of Copernicus, Avicenna, Telesio, Petrarca, Averroè, Fracastoro, Raimondo Lullo. Michele Serveto and he was personally involved in the dissemination of knowledge. To do this he took off his Dominican habit and taught in the universities of the host cities. Then one day the desire to return to Italy caught him in a trap ... But, beyond his synthetic biography, the book is interesting for the author's philosophical and theological considerations, put in Giordano's mouth, or perhaps it would be better say "put in the mouth of Felipe": "Giordano sets aside Aristotle, they said, raises the will above knowledge, defines understanding as a consequence of love", a phrase that explains well the accusations that will be addressed to him. "The whole Universe must be seen as an animated body in all its parts [..] the planet Earth performs its pirouette around itself [..] and in the meantime completes a huge tour of 365 days around the central star "The sun does not move, at least not in relation to the Earth". The ideas of Copernicus, the same that will determine the condemnation of Galileo. "The demonization of sensuality is in itself an infinite torture ..." "In nature not there is death and destruction that are not in the ser vice of life and its unfolding ... "

These are the ideas presented and discussed in the book, in the "probable" last three hundred sheets written by Felipe in his last six days (or almost).

Challenging but meaningful reading. The rest is good for you!

Alessandro Rugolo