Gold Fenix ​​tutorial: the Alpini in joint training with French and Qatari military personnel

(To Army Majority State)

Last week, at the district of Baudenasca, the “Gold Fenix” exercise was concluded, which saw the third regiment mountain troops involved in a series of training activities together with soldiers from the French army and the Kingdom of Qatar.

The exercise, organized and conducted by the 3 Alpini regiment of the "Taurinense" brigade with the competition of the 32 ° Genio Guastatori regiment, aimed to increase the operational capacity of the personnel to move, live and fight in an urbanized environment, in contexts high intensity multinationals. Through the comparison with different military realities, the movement capacities in a particularly difficult environment such as the urban one have been applied and improved, subsequently implementing them with training to overcome obstacles, both natural, such as rock cliffs, and artificial ones. through the training facilities supplied with the 3 ° Alpini regiment.

The development of combat capabilities was also sought with extensive recourse to the simulation systems supplied to the Armed Forces, allowing the complexity and difficulty of the operational scenarios to be recreated in total safety and with almost no environmental impact.

The operational scenario used was designed to propose a continuous progression of difficulty levels, with the aim of conducting both the Alpine and the sappers of Taurinense, both the French chasseur alpins and the Qatari military, to face increasingly complex situations, allowing an effective amalgamation and a profitable exchange of knowledge on the technical-tactical level.