Change at the Summits of COMFORDOT and COMLOG

(To Army Majority State)

Double change at two of the top Army. This morning, the Army Chief of Staff, Army Corps General Salvatore Farina, presided over the alternation ceremony at the helm of the Army Logistic Command (COMLOG) and the Command for Training, Specialization and Doctrine of the Army (COMFORDOT). Held inside the main hall of the Cecchignola Logistics Support Command, it sanctioned the handover between the Army Corps General Luigi Francesco De Leverano and the Parisian Francesco Paolo Figliuolo (former General Office Head of the Chief of Staff della Difesa) for COMLOG and, between the general corps Pietro Serino and his colleague Giovanni Fungo (ad interim) for COMFORDOT.

General Farina, in greeting all the participants at the ceremony, thanked the two surrendering generals (De Leverano and Serino) for the commitment and the results obtained in the period when they were at the helm of the respective commands and wished, to the subentrants (Figliuolo and Fungo), to continue in the wake of the positive objectives achieved by the predecessors with as many excellent goals.

The Army Chief of Staff, in his speech, focused on the importance of logistics together with the essentiality of military training and preparation from the first days of enlisting of each military. General Farina then highlighted how, today's ceremony contains two of the fundamental areas of the Armed Force: the logistics component and training. The Army is a very important component of the country system that bases its operational capacity on the human component: the true fulcrum of the Armed Force. To men in uniform, all possible efforts must be directed to ensure adequate logistical support and proper preparation and professional training in order to be, in the future, ever more ready, with the capacity to operate in inter-force, international and adhering to the needs of the Country even in the case of public disasters.

General De Leverano, in his speech, thanked for the support given to all the staff of the Army's logistics area, "rich in valuable military and civilian professionalism" who during his term "learned to know and appreciate".

General Serino, who is preparing to fill the position of head of the Ministry of Defense's cabinet, in his farewell speech, after thanking the staff, the commanding officers and the Chief of Staff of the Army, paused in briefly remark the stages covered in the 21 months that saw him at the Command for the Training, Specialization and Doctrine of the Army, concluding with a sincere best wishes of good work to the incoming commander.