Garibaldi Brigade: carried out over 60 activities of civil-military cooperation in Lebanon

(To Valentina Cosco)

The commitment of the Italian Army in Lebanon, we have discussed many times, has many facets. The Unifil mission, in fact, is one of the most challenging from the point of view of reconstruction, stabilization and aid aimed at maintaining a lasting peace in a strip of land in which so many realities coexist to be called a real "kaleidoscope" "Of cultures. A territory, the one south of Lebanon that for too long has suffered and struggled to see its rebirth.

The UN blue helmets are present and guard this area from the 1978 and have never ceased to offer their aid ever since. Even today, in fact, the Italian contingent in Lebanon commanded by Brigadier General Diodato Abagnara with the men and women of the Bersaglieri brigade Garibaldi, the base on which the Unifil Sector-West is established, has implemented in recent months a series of initiatives aimed at supporting and supporting the local population south of the Litani.

The projects of civil and military cooperation (CIMIC) are over 60, concluded in a short time in support of the civil and humanitarian environment, social and recreational infrastructures. The sectors in which the company operates, among others, in a more incisive manner are those related to electricity and water supply projects, sanitary and medical assistance, road network and education, without neglecting those related to the wellbeing of personnel such as culture and sport.

At the conclusion of each of these activities it is customary in Lebanon to implement official ceremonies of real or moral "delivery" of the materialized works, a way to seal once again the link between the local populations and our soldiers employed in the Unifil mission. In one of these events, realized to inaugurate the works for the extension of the sewage networks and the implementation of the sewage discharge system in the municipalities of Qana and Marakah, the commander of Sector West, Brigadier General Diodato Abagnara, underlined how such works framed within the essential support programs for the civil environment, "Are not activities separated from each other [...] in fact, although the two towns are distant from each other about 14 km, a mileage not indifferent for the Sector, the Italian Blue Helmets aim, through the realization of such works, to well-being of an increasingly interconnected community and increasingly linked also to the operational aspects of the UNIFIL Mission. "

"There is no 'welfare' without essential projects and there is no successful operation that does not go for the wellbeing of people: the local population and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) are our 'main focus' and if teenagers they grow up in a healthy environment and young soldiers train in a healthy environment, to benefit the whole West Sector ", concluded General Abagnara, on the sidelines of the inauguration in Marakah, a town of almost 14.000 inhabitants, among the most populous of Sector West.