Kosovo: an incubator thanks to the Italian CIMIC

(To Greater Defense)

An important CIMIC activity made possible thanks to the commitment of the Italian soldiers employed in the mission in Kosovo took place yesterday morning at the hospital in Peć / Peja. In fact, a new incubator was donated to the neonatology department of the Peć / Peja Regional Hospital, essential equipment to ensure adequate care for newborns. The Hospital of Peć / Peja is an important structure not only for the municipality to which it belongs, but also for all the neighboring cities, becoming a reference point from the point of view of health support for over 170.000 inhabitants of Kosovo.

To receive this gift on behalf of the Regional Hospital of Peć / Peja the general director Dr. Skender Dreshaj, and the head of the neonatology department Dr. Mirlinda Shala, who openly thanked the Italian military for their support to the population of Kosovo in general and to the health sector in particular.

The col. Ruggero Cucchini, former commander of the 5th Alpine Regiment and commander of the Multinational Battle Group West - an Italian-led multinational unit made up of Italians, Slovenes, Austrians and Moldovans, operating in the western sector of Kosovo - attended the activity, and underlined how CIMIC activities (Civilian Military Cooperation - Military Civil Cooperation) are a fundamental component of the mission in Kosovo, as they aim to tangibly help the population by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of local institutions, especially those involved in essential sectors, such as healthcare.