Kosovo: Italian CIMIC promotes health checks


Thanks to the interest of the Italian military contingent stationed in Pec, led by Colonel Antonio Sgobba, more than 20 children of the Roma community of the village of Gurrakoc were visited yesterday by the doctors of the local hospital.

The assistance activity was started after a team of civil and military cooperation of the national contingent, established on the basis of 52 ° "Turin" artillery regiment of Vercelli, noted the difficult conditions of hygiene and survival of the Roma community recently settled illegally in the former municipal prison of Istok.

The sensitivity and commitment of the CIMIC unit (Civil-Military Cooperation), directed by Lieutenant Colonel Corrado Prado, allowed the serious environmental hygiene situation to be brought to the attention of the mayor of Istok, the health inspectors and representatives of the Cross Kosovo Red.

After several meetings coordinated by the Italian military, the municipal authorities became available to provide assistance to the occupying community in the former prison.

Medical checks have shown that several children in the village suffer from problems attributable mainly to the poor conditions of hygiene in which they live.

In order to allow treatment after diagnosis, at the invitation of the Italian CIMIC, the mayor of Istok undertook to provide free medicines that otherwise could not be purchased by families.

Among the forms of assistance mediated by the Italian CIMIC there will also be the restoration by the municipality of the hygienic conditions of the external area of ​​the inhabitants through the removal of the waste accumulated over time and the allocation of bins for collection.

This work will allow children in the Roma community to return to play in clean open spaces avoiding exposure to infections and epidemics.

Source: Italian contingent in Kosovo