Iraq: Italian soldiers of the Praesidium Task Force conclude the first phase of the stabilization program of the area

(To Greater Defense)

The meeting of the new "Mosul Dam Area Stability Committee" took place on Thursday at the base of the Mosul Dam, which effectively closes the first phase of the stabilization program of the area initiated by the Praesidium Task Force and aimed at integrating the Security Forces Iraqi and the civil authorities.
The process of support to the population was started last October after the successful transfer of deliveries between the Kurdish and Iraqi forces.
The program aimed to integrate and involve the Iraqi military component in the humanitarian aid system developed by the 3 Alpine Regiment and Humanitarian Organizations.

TF Praesidium in support of the Iraqi population

In the meeting, this time involving the civil and military authorities at the regional and provincial level, the modalities with which to facilitate the NGOs to operate on the territory were discussed. In this context, the Task Force Praesidium, in coordination with the local authorities, fulfilled the dual task, on the one hand, of facilitating the return of Humanitarian Organizations on the territory and, on the other, of being an important component in support of the population. in sectors of primary importance such as health, education and pastoralism, a source of income for around 70 percent of the population.

Further step towards stabilizing the country

The constant presence of the Iraqi military as main interlocutors, has allowed to complete the transition process that now sees the local Iraqi Security Forces to become the main point of reference for civil authorities, population and humanitarian organizations.
A stabilization process, facilitated by the continued participation of the Iraqi military, which saw the representatives of the Counter Terrorism Service and the National Security Service involved in relations with the various local authorities and organizations, born thanks to numerous meetings.
The last one, in order of time, has seen the Iraqi military confront the more than thirty representatives of as many villages on the delicate issue of restocking which, in the last few months, has seen the population grow by over 15 per cent. , with important repercussions on the management of primary services.